436 21 2

Thursday, August 5th 2020

Music has ended. The five boys leave the class. Everyone's hand in each other's. Taehyun and Beomgyu on the left, Soobin and Yeonjun on the right, and Huening Kai in the center of them.

"Where are we gonna go?" Huening asked Yeonjun who was next to him.

"Hm.. how about we all go to my house to plan the escape?" Yeonjun said, looking at all the members.

"What about your parents?" Beomgyu asked.

Yeonjun sighed. "They shouldn't be home, work, you know."

"O-oh.. ok.."

"Eh it's fine, they'll come back at around two in the morning or something."

They then quickly head over to Yeonjun's luxury mansion. He unlocked the door and let everyone in.

"U-uh about that.. but are you home alone all the time..?" Beomgyu raised a brow.

"My parents are home during the weekends, but that's about it. Other than that, I'm home alone or hanging out with Soobin, right Soob?" He said.

Soobin nodded. An awkward silence stirred around the place. That's when the others felt the need to pop out their ears.

"Ok- warn me before you all do it at the same time." Beomgyu said while rubbing his eyes. Whenever they pop out their ears, it glows the color of their hair, and wow, Yeonjun's hurt.

"Heh, sorry Gyu." Soobin apologized. They sit in the living room that was spaced out near a wall. The empty space made the room look spacious or big.

Yeonjun spoke up first. "Alright, here's the plan," he started. He now had their full attention. "First we tell our parents,"

"Eh, what about mine?" Beomgyu questioned. He was wondering how he should tell his parents as they were in another city.

"We don't need to tell her, you did say she made you move out, correct?" Taehyun said.

"Yeah, but she did it 'cause I'm 19.. and 'cause I need to learn to tend for myself..." Beomgyu pouted with his arms crossed. "I still don't want her to worry."

"..anyways. My parents are in the united states right now for a business trip. How about we meet up with them?" Soobin asked.

"But what if they don't agree with us running away..." Huening Kai said with an obvious tone of annoyance and a frown on his face.

"Then.. let's do the most reasonable thing and stay away from any contact with our parents, just in case they don't take our side." Taehyun said.

"They're family though, I'm sure they'll take our side!" Beomgyu exclaimed.

"True, but we still should take the reasonable solution." Yeonjun stood up. "Alright, our new plan! Everyone follow me~"

He ran up the stairs to his room. The others follwed behind.

"Holy shitting cow! Yeonjun why is your room literally a shrine of Soobin?!" Huening yelled right when he stepped in.

Yeonjun had pictures of Soobin all over his walls, including pictures of himself with him. There were some pictures of Huening, Taehyun, and group pictures, but there was too many of Soobin's to notice the others.

"Oh fuck- I forgot about that.." he embarrassedly scratched behind his neck. He looked over at Soobin, who was staring at him with a red face.

Soon enough he, too, was a red faced tomato. The younger three laugh at the flustered ones.

"Hehe, enough staring! We have a plan to make." Beomgyu giggled as he see's the two embarrassingly sit on the bed, about a foot away from each other.

"Ah yes, ehem a-anyways.." Yeonjun covered his red cheeks. "We first need transportation." He said. He's now half calm.

"How about we use the money we all have saved up and take the plane?" Taehyun asked.

Beomgyu shook his head. "I-I used the train to get to Seoul, I don't have my passport." He lowered his head in shame.

Taehyun lifted his head up with a finger under his chin. "I can always get it for you. What do you think, guys?"

"Yeah! Can't let a little passport ruin our fun~!" Huening exclaimed.

Yeonjun nodded. "I'll ask my parents to get them for you." He said. "They travel a lot."

"Y-yeah.. we'll always help you, Gyu. I'll help anyone here." Soobin said with courage, not really over the Soobin shrine though, as his cheeks were still a bit red.

Beomgyu smiled from all the comments from his friends.

"Well.. now that we have that part of the plan, the next part is packing." Yeonjun said, eyeing his room.

"I don't really have anything to pack." Beomgyu said. "So I'll help Tyunie pack!"

"Oh! I only need Molang and Tobin! Everything else can stay." He said.

"Clothes, Hyuka." Taehyun deadpanned. Huening's eyes widen and he nods.

"Oh, how silly of me! How could I have forgotten?" He said with a suspicious chuckle.

Everyone just laugh their hearts out before continuing with the plan.

"Alright so this is how we do it. First we book the tickets for our flight, we then pack up our things quickly, then get on the train to Beomgyu's mom's house, then based off how many days we have left, we relax before our day to leave South Korea." Yeonjun summarized.

Everyone hums in reply, not giving Yeonjun the satisfaction he wants.

"Oh that's it, you're all dead." He started, before everyone runs away, out of his house. He chased them all around his neighborhood, not caring if they were getting looks from other people around.

That is, until they see headlights going towards Yeonjun's place, the said boy eyeing the car parked on the driveway.

His parents are home. Five hours early.

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