UCW High Impact #67

Start from the beginning

Mori: As Kazuma over here has stated, my name is Mori and you may be wondering why am i gonna be able to help him when Kamina is gonna be there to help Simon stop any interference yes?.
Well, it's really simple, when i sprint, i am able to go really fast.
Not to the level of Sonic but still faster than normal people should be able to be.

Kazuma: In case you idiots don't get the why Mori's speed is gonna help him help me in case things go bad, it's simple, Kamina isn't known for being faster than people usually are...so wjat do you think will happen when Mori tries to help me?.
Simple, he will be able to do so and retreat before Kamina catches him and trust me when i say this: If i get help plus me being smarter than Simon, then i will get the advantage needed to beat him.
Because willpower is great and all, but it can only take you so far.

???: So you believe you are smarter than me huh?.

*Here we see Simon and Kamina appearing and getting in Kazuma and Mori's faces*

Simon: Well, i don't know about that.
May i remind you about how i have been champion for a year at this point?.
Like, if willpower took me so far then i would have lost the title to Darwin or back to Riku don't you think?.

Kamina: Plus, Gurren Lagann knows how to overcome any adverse situation and that's what you're creating by having Mori help you and considering Simon's track record, it won't work for you.

Kazuma: I know how good Simon is in the ring hence why i've gotten Mori's help.
However, let me tell you something boys, i am resorceful and able to beat people at their own game you don't trust me?. Check how i got the contendership cleanly!

Simon: We get why you are recruiting Mori's help but if you're so good in the ring then why the hell aren't you sure that the risk of fighting me by yourself is worth it!

Mori: Because Kazuma is not stupid and knows of you being champion for a year and thus knows that beating Rindo isn't comparable to facing you so the risk isn't affordable and he'd rather have a secure chance at winning than 50/50.

Kazuma: Anyways, i'll see you on Episode 71 where i will take the Cruiserweight Championship from you Simon, goodbye.

*Mori and Kazuma leave as Simon and Kamina stare them down*

5- We see Tom and Jerry coming down to the ring amongst boos from the crowd to grab mics:

Jerry: Well, well, well. Would you look at this!. Despite going against someone like MAD LEOMON who used his buddies to help himself get more powerful we are still booed, i wonder why Tom?.

Tom: Yeah i wonder---, oh, OH i got it. It's because of who he's teaming up with in Renamon and the whole situation with the Bikini Bottomers.
They may be scared of Mad Leomon but they can't help but cheer Renamon to hide that because they know how dangerous Mad Leomon is when he's angry since THAT is what brought him out due to the Zim and GIR/Bikini Bottomers situation and made him drop this honor act that he had put up.

Jerry: Seems solid to me. Anyways, we are gonna win the Tag Team Titles off them because in case no one watched 2 weeks ago, we won cleanly against Jin Sakai and Sekiro and i'd say that that gives us a chance since if getting screwed over for a season brought out Mad Leomon then he should be more beatable if we do not cheat.

*Here Renamon and Mad Leomon come out and enter the ring, which makes Tom and Jerry take a couple of steps back due to the latter, to a positive reaction from the crowd albeit it does feel a bit forced*

Renamon: You think we don't know about the cheering of the crowd being a protection method so Leomon over here don't go even madder than he is and attack the crowd?.
We are not idiots. Anyways, you think you have a chance at winnikh if you don't cheat because of Leomon not going berserk on you right?.

Mad Leomon: You are sadly mistaken about that. Sure, i may not go berserk on you both but something you seem to have not taken into account is that what you stated of me using others to get more powerful.
That already speaks volumes of how i have dropped the honor act like you said, however, without honor chaining me down...that means i will do whatever i want without limits and that includes cheating to win.

Tom: No offense but i don't see why someone like you would cheat, like you are the most dominant out of us 4.

Renamon: Well, yes, but if he cheats then it'd make what is doable in your view undoable because if he put Wario at risk and we know how Wario can be pretty dominant himself without cheating hence his long reign...then what could you both do against someone that had to be screwed over to be beaten by Wario with the adding of said someone cheating?.
Nothing unless you cheat and the moment you do THAT then you piss him off and your chances are gone.
Either way, you cannot and will not best us!.
See you for that match on Episode 71.

*The segment ends with Digimon leaving as the crowd cheers and Tom and Jerry are silently processing what Renamon and Mad Leomon said*

6- Non-Title match: Kagerou vs Seiji Sawamura:
-The purpose of the match was to show how Kagerou was pretty threatening to Seiji because of his sadism since it allowed him to rather than go for a win to soften him up so there were less chances that he'd kick out and this gave him a slowly but secured 70/30 lead throughout the match.
-To show how Seiji was a threat even despite all the damage he was suffering at the hands of Kagerou's sadism which proved why he had been Intercontinental Champion for a year by now and said proof allowed the match to not go past a 70/30 lead for Kagerou.
-To prove how Shovel Knight essentially used the anger that Seiji had against him for tricking him to distract him long enough so the sadism circle of Kagerou could continue in case Seiji started to get back in the match, this essentially proving how even if they seemed like nothing more than mere villain acts, Kagerou and Shovel Knight were threats considering they put someone who had been champion for a year in trouble.
In the end, Kagerou connected a Butterfly Suplex and covered Seiji (after a distraction of SK who tripped Seiji) to get the victory.
After the match, SK grabs a mic and just says that on Episode 69 he will explain the reason why he alligned with Kagerou and that come Episode 71, he was leaving with the Intercontinental Championship.

The show ends with the crowd booing Shovel Knight and Kagerou who stand tall over Seiji's unconscious body.

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