Chapter 1

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"Brother, are you sure this is a good idea?" Loki paced in the throne room. He wasn't sure about sending their sister to Midgard, let alone letting her join the Avengers.

"Don't worry. She wants to go. And we can only teach her so much here." Thor placed his hands on Loki's shoulders, "it's her decision brother. And besides, we can visit her anytime we want." Thor turned and sat on his throne, "we have to let her grow up sometime." He looked up to see their sister Eir making her way to them. "Here she comes. Keep your worries to yourself brother." Loki scoffed, but agreed. They had been discussing for a while to send her to Midgard to be trained by, and then eventually join, the Avengers.

"Are you guys sure it's okay if I come to the party? I wasn't exactly invited." Eir stood in front of her brothers in a long green dress that matched her eyes. She looked like a combination of her brothers, Loki's green eyes and Thor's dirty blonde hair. Her dress was long with an open back and low neckline. Loki passed his hand over her, covering all of her skin. "Loki!"

Thor laughed, "she isn't a child anymore Loki." He put his hand on her shoulder as she fixed the dress, keeping it open back but raising the neckline to compromise.

"How's this?" She spins around in a circle for her brothers.

She laughs as Loki scoffs. "You look beautiful little one. And of course it's okay if you come to the party. They're going to love you."

It was Loki that stepped towards his baby sister, "how could they not?" He brushed some of her dark blonde hair out of her face. She looked so much like their mother, it made his heart ache. It was up to himself and Thor to take care of her now. That was why he was apprehensive to leave her on Midgard, but he trusted his brother.

She looked up at her brothers, they were both some much taller than her. She didn't know why she never got their height. "Okay. I'm ready." Eir grabbed her brothers' hands as they were sent through the bi-frost to the Avengers compound. "You guys go ahead, I'm gonna need a minute." Thor winked at her as he entered the party. She paced outside the party for a minute before entering. She let out a long sigh as she noticed a few people watching her. She nervously made her way to where the bar was where she came across a beautiful red head. "Hi. Can I have something to drink please?"

The red head nodded, sliding a glass of amber liquid to her, "I haven't seen you around, I'm Natasha."

"I'm Eir." She offered her hand to Natasha which was accepted. After Natasha tried to pronounce her name a few times wrong, she finally just shook her head, "never mind."

Eir laughed at Natasha. "Let me guess, you're Thor and Loki's sister?"

She slides her empty glass to Natasha, "I am. How did you know?"

Natasha pours more liquid into her glass, "so this isn't doing anything is it?"

"Not really, no. But I'm nervous." Both girls laughed as Eir felt someone walk up behind her. She turned around to find steel blue eyes staring into hers. She stood up and held out her hand, captivated by the intensity of his eye contact, "I'm...Eir."

He takes her hand, "I'm Bucky. It's nice to meet you." She senses his hesitation as she looks back at Natasha who speaks up for him, "why don't you guys dance?" She feels the irritation from Bucky as she sees Natasha wink at him.

Feeling rejected at him not wanting to dance with her, she shook her head, "oh, it's fine we don't have to Bucky." She left him standing at the bar to find Loki before he could say anything. She found him talking to some agents, "give me your flask."

Loki grinned down at her, "who says I have it with me?"

She didn't say anything as she reached into his coat pocket and took the flask, shoving it in her purse. She left the party to stand on the roof, still thinking about the fact that Bucky rejected dancing with her. She started to drink from the flask when she heard someone enter the roof behind her. She turned around to come face to face with another tall gentleman.

Eir Odinsdottir ❤️Where stories live. Discover now