Chapter 35: Holidays Make me feel Whole Again

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It was the end of August, which not only meant summer was winding down, but Sofia would be turning 2, and Frank was gearing up for her birthday and a 16 date co-headlining tour all within 2 weeks of each other. As he tried to plan her birthday, his stress levels rose. Not only because he would be gone for a bit, but also because he wasn't ever away from Sofia for so long.

As he walked into his living room, he caught his toddler sitting calmly on Cam's lap, while she worked on some magazine work for Monica. Frank came up behind her, and laid a kiss on her neck, as well as a kiss on Sofia's head.

"How are my two favorite girls?" he asked, sitting down next to Cam.

"Daddy!"Sofia gushed, climbing into Frank's lap.

"We are good. I'm just working on some stuff for Monica. I'll be staying remote til you come back from tour. That way I can help your parents with Sofia."

"Wait, you are really doing this for me?" Frank asked, shocked. "Baby..."

Cam waved him off "It's fine Frankie. Besides, IF and when we get married, I plan on adopting her as my own anyway."

Frank was enamored with the fact Cam always thought ahead. He knew they were gonna get married at some point, and he already had a ring to propose, but her adopting Sofia was something he didn't think of. All he could do was continue to fall more in love.

"I love you," was all he could say, as a tear rolled down his face.

Cam wiped Frank's tear away, and giggled as Sofia adorably interrupted.

"Dada sad?"

"No baby girl, I'm happy that's all.," he said as he kissed Sofia's cheek.

"Dada happy? Dada happy!"

"Yes love, dada happy because of mama."

"Mama make daddy happy."

"Yes lovebug," said Cam, kissing her cheek.

"Yay!" Sofia said happily, causing both Frank and Cam to laugh.

Frank took a glance at the clock, and decided to put Sofia down for a nap.

"Daddy I'm not schleepy."

"Sofia May," said Frank stern, yet gently. "Nap time angel."

Sofia started getting fussy, until Cam picked her up.

"Sofiaaaaa, naptime," she cooed. "And besides, if you are good later, I'll give you an ice cream cone."

Sofia's eyes lit up. "Mama icecream?"

"Yes little lady, but you have to take a nap for us."

"Ok mama."

And with that, Cam put her down for a nap with no issues.


About 15 minutes later, Cam came from Sofia's room with a triumphant look on her face. Frank scoped her in his arms, and laid kisses on her neck and collarbone.

"You are literally the toddler whisperer. I fucking love you."

She cupped his face, and laid a kiss on his lips "I love you too."

Frank kept kissing her, slipping his hand up her thigh, pushing her gently against the nearest wall. "So now that Sofia is down for a nap, can we talk about her birthday, and maybe have a quickie?" he asked in-between kisses.

Cam giggled as Frank nibbled on her ear. "Birthday plans yes, sex no. I have work to finish."

Frank pouted. "Fineeeee. I miss you love. I know you have been working hard and healing, and I love that," he stated, as he rubbed his neck. "I guess I'm just stressed because I won't see you and Sofia for a bit, and wanna enjoy every moment I can."

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