Chapter 27: A girlfriend's guide to purgatory

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Christi was stunning in Cam's eyes, and was beyond kind. She could have easily seen her and Ray together on earth. And now here she was standing face to face with her and the baby girl he lost.

A sense of awe took over, replacing the fear and nerves.

"Well don't just stand there, you can give me a hug!" Christi gently demanded.

Cam nodded, and did what she was told.

"Oh this is so sweet!" Helena beamed.

Lea giggled and clapped her hands as Helena took her in her arms. Lea reminded Cam of Sofia with her innocence and wonder.

"You are so lovely Cam," said Christi, breaking the hug. "I can see why Ray, Remy and the Toros love you so much. After Lea and I passed, I worried about him greatly, especially since he was alone for 5 years. Then he met you. And I knew he was gonna be ok. Although, I am worried about him now. He beats himself up a lot. He loves deeply and intensely, and will hate himself for a while." 

"I can see that. I hope he knows it wasn't his fault."

"You may have to remind him of that," added Helena. "When I passed, I watched my sweet Gerard turn to addiction. He beat himself up over not being there enough for me on earth."

"I had no idea Gee dealt with that. Him and Frankie never mentioned that."

"I think he was ashamed. But I love him regardless. I'm just happy he's been clean for a while, and seems to really be in love with Ro."

"Oh he is. They have had their rough patches, but have made this work."

Just then, Lea looked up from Helena's arms, and pointed ahead, her voice in wonder and joy.

"Docta docta!"

"Ah yes, there is someone EXTRA special who wants to meet you Cam."

"Who?" said Cam giving a confused look.

Just then a deep voice came into the picture.

"Hello my sweet girl."


It was the next day, and Frank had gone home to shower, and check on his family.

As he changed clothes after his shower, he walked into his kitchen where his mom was with Sofia.

"There's my baby girl," he said, scooping Sofia in her arms. He noticed she wasn't her usual happy self. As she buried her head in his neck, he noticed she felt warm.

"Mom, does she feel warm to you?"

Linda walked over, and felt her grandchild's head. "She could be running a fever. Your father and I noticed this yesterday, and figured maybe she just missed you."

Frank nodded.

"Baby girl, you ok?" he asked, gently cooing his daughter.

"Dada no." Her cheeks were flushed, and her forehead felt clammy.

Not wanting to take any chances, Frank had Linda call her doctor, and they got Sofia ready to be seen.

Totally not what I needed 


Cam couldn't believe it...she was standing face to face with her dad.

She covered her mouth to try to stifle the tears, happy tears yes, but also tears nonetheless.

"D-dad?" she said quietly

"My God," Abrahams started, "My little girl is all grown up."

Christi and Helena rubbed her back as she took a few steps towards her dad. He met her and took her into his arms, spinning her around.

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