Chapter 24: The Pains of Being Pure at Heart

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Each of Ray's officers were in plain clothes with their bullet proof vests under the clothes. They were in a buddy system, leaving Cam and Ray in his car. As Cam looked out the window, she had way too many thoughts going through her mind. As she kinda got lost, she felt Ray's free hand rest on her thigh in a comforting manner.

Ray was trying to keep his composure internally, and having Cam next to him helped, but he was still worried about his son, how everything was gonna go down, and if anyone would be hurt .


"Yes my love," he said, bringing her hand to his lips, and leaving a kiss.

"No one is gonna shoot Coll right?"

As they slowed at a stop sign, Ray took a deep breath before answering. "My officers have been instructed to not fire, but rather user tasers if we need to subdue her. If she pulls a weapon, and uses it first, then that is a different story."

Cam nodded. She didn't want to see anyone get hurt, especially Coll and Remy.

"I know Coll is sick Ray, and she needs to see someone...professionally again."

"I know my love. But the things she has done...."

"...I know, but I need a promise that you won't hurt her, and will just arrest her."

Ray let go of her hand to begin driving again, both hands tense on the steering wheel.

"I can't give you that promise."

Cam looked away,  let a tear fall, and went back to looking out the window.

She silently prayed for a good outcome.


Coll looked at the sleeping child on her couch.

She knew she was in some deep shit. Maybe she SHOULD have called 911 to report a lost child but she didn't. She should have taken Cam's advice, but she wasn't going to.

Remy began to stir on the couch, Coll had put tape over his mouth, hands and feet.

He tried to sit up, and had nothing but pure fear in his eyes. He wanted his grandma and grandpa, and his dad. He wanted to be at home being read a story by Ray, and being tucked in. But instead, he was in a strange woman's apartment.

"You're awake" Coll said quietly. "I won't hurt you. I just want a friend."

Remy shook his head furiously as of trying to shake off his constraints.

"Maybe we can eat some pizza? Did you eat dinner?"

Remy shook his head yes.

"Maybe ice cream? Yeah that sounds good."

As Coll almost skipped to the kitchen, a knock came on her door.

As she answered it, she was shocked to see Cam.

Ray was hiding around the corner with another officer ready to rush in, just in case.

"Cam! What are you doing here?"

Cam took a deep breath and began her script. "Well, I was in the neighborhood and wanted to check on you."

Coll smiled deeply and invited her "work wife" in, ALMOST forgetting about the small child on her couch.

"Wait here, I just forgot something on the stove."

Coll ran and picked up Remy, and took him to her room. As she put him down, Remy tried to fight her.

"Hey stop that!"

Remy managed to free his arms, take the tape off his mouth, and hit her as hard as he could have, sending Coll back in shock. He then tried to run to where Cam was

"Cam!" he yelled frantically hopping over to a familiar face.

"Remy!" Cam jumped in front him and managed to protect him. Coll ran out with a bat in her hand.

"Colleen stop!" Cam yelled out, trying to get her and Remy to the door.

"No, I told you I wanted a friend!"

Just then Ray burst in the door with one of his officers, his taser drawn.

"Everyone freeze! Colleen drop your weapon!"

"It's a bat!"

"Drop it!"

Cam tried to quietly get Remy over to his dad, and another awaiting officer. Coll turned to them with bat still in hand.

"Where are you going? Don't leave."

Once Remy was safely out of the apartment, the tenseness in the apartment intensified.

"Coll, please drop the bat,"

Cam pleaded. "We can talk about this."

"Why are you turning on me?" Coll asked with tears in her eyes

"What are you talking about? I've been nothing but your friend. And you know that."

"Yeah, but you have this perfect life with the perfect man. Meanwhile my life has been a nightmare."

"Coll, we can get you the proper help."

"Maybe I'm not the one broken, everyone else is!"

"Coll, we don't want to hurt you," stated Ray calmly.

"Please put the bat down."

Coll hesitated, but eventually dropped the bat. Ray moved swiftly to cuff her, but not before Coll asked a question that made everyone stop.

"Were you ever gonna tell me?"

Cam and Ray looked at her confused.

"Tell you what?" Cam asked.

"About you and Frank."

Ray tensed up and froze. Cam stood shocked. She did her damndest to keep that a secret for her own sanity and Frank's career.


Everything then moved in slow motion.

Before another word could be uttered, Coll elbowed Ray, grabbed his gun and fired a shot.

His officer returned fire.


Frank had just put Sofia down for bed when a real bad feeling hit him. He felt a headache come on, and his heartbeat rise.

He didn't know what was happening, but he didn't like it.

As he tried to soothe himself and go to bed, his phone rang.

Alyson Moretti

He picked up.


He heard sniffling on the other end

"Alyson? Please say something."

"It's Cam....Frank she's been shot."

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