Chapter 15: Warpaint

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A/N: Cam's outfit at the end 

Ray may have planned their activities, but he let Cam pick a restaurant, and as they enjoyed one another's company over an amazingly fresh seafood dinner, the topic turned to their careers and work, as well as other miscellaneous topics.

"You know, Ro and Aly love you a lot."

"Really? They are super cool gals."

Cam smiled. "They are indeed. And my brother likes you too. Even though he tries to be a tough guy."

Ray giggled. "Ryan needs to find himself a bit. Hopefully when he leaves the marines, he'll figure out what's next."

"It's true. I think my mom worries about his direction at times."

"Believe me, as a parent you always worry. Like Remy is 7, and I'm already worrying about his future, and if I'm doing enough to support him."

"He's lucky to have you as a father."

Ray blushed. "Thank you my dear."

"It's true. You are a dynamic human in general, and an amazing dad to your son. I don't know if you see it, but he idolizes you."

"I hope so. I just want him to know that he's always loved, and he can always come to me. I have that relationship with my parents, and I want Remy to have the same with me and them."

"That's valid. I'm close to my mom. Even though we don't always see eye to eye. But she's my hero."

Ray kissed her hand and held it. "You know you're one of my heroes."

"Stop, am I?"

He kissed her hand again. "Yes. I want you to know how amazing you are. I don't know if you know that."

Cam giggled "I think I have an idea." Her eyes locked with his, Ray leaned in and kissed her cheek.

"We should document this," said Cam taking out her phone. She sat in Ray's lap, and snapped a selfie. "Anniversary pics."

"You're too funny," he said, snuggling his nose into her neck.

Cam posted the photo to her IG with the caption "My love and my person."

She didn't tag Ray because of his work, but immediately Ro and Aly liked it.

"Ok, we should head back to the room now," she suggested. "It's my other part of the surprise," she said giving a wink.

Ray had no idea what was up, but he humored his lady, paid for dinner, and they headed out.


Back in the room, shoes came off, as Ray sat on the bed.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom. Be out in a bit."

Cam stood in the mirror in her lingerie. She couldn't believe she was gonna make love for the first time to the man she loved. Growing up, she was taught a woman should keep her "virtue," and that pre-marital sex devalued you. Luckily, she had sex positive friends and was able to make her own choices better. So she had condoms, she was already on birth control to help with her painful periods, and even had a plan B pill just in case. As she tied her black, short satin robe, she took a deep breath and came out. Ray was sitting on the edge of the bed watching a crime show.

"Ray, are you seriously watching a crime show?" she said with a giggle

"I try to not take work home with me, but it's cool to watch and see all the things they get wrong, and have missed."

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