Chapter 29: Back to You

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Cam couldn't believe it...she was standing face to face with Gemma and Frank Iero. She knew they were older and aging, but she wasn't expecting them to go on the same day.

And now here they were in front of her, and her people. They looked radiant and happy, everyone seemed to have.

"Ciao Camile! È bello vederti! Dove siamo?" Gemma asked in her thick accent

Christi translated and answered. "Benvenuto! Sei tecnicamente in purgatorio, ma sono abbastanza sicuro che stai andando dritto in paradiso."

Gemma and Frank looked at each other and smiled. They were devout Catholics whose faith meant a lot to them, as well as food and family. They knew one day they were gonna pass together because they were soulmates. 65 years married isn't something most folks see these days.

"Sorprendente! ci mancherà la nostra famiglia. Siamo preoccupati per Frank."

Christi nodded. "I understand that. He is your only grandson, and he is also a dad."

They both nodded.

Cam on the other hand was feeling worse and worse by the minute. She leaned her head on her dad's shoulder.

"Camile Marie, what's wrong?"

"I feel weird dad."

Christi turned her attention to Cam, and gasped.

She was glowing with a golden yellow light.


Michelle was trying to comfort Frank, while Ryan stayed with Cam.

Frank couldn't believe his beloved grandparents were really gone. Like, he was happy they were at least together, but this loss hurt. His grandfather and father had gotten him into music and art, while his grandmother and mom taught him about cooking and his rich Italian heritage.

His heart broke especially for his dad who now had to bury his parents. As he cried into Michelle's chest, she tried to comfort the heartbroken man.

"It's ok Frankie. It's ok. Let it out sweetie."

Frank couldn't catch his breath the way he needed to, and just cried even more and went a bit limp in Michelle's arms and wound up on the floor. As Michelle got to her knees, she rubbed his back comfortingly.


Helena knew this was it. Cam was heading back to earth.

It wasn't her time.

"What's happening?" Cam asked scared

"Don't fight it love. It's just not your time. You are leaving us to head back," she said almost sadly

Christi, and Abrahams knew they had to say their byes and fast

"Cam, I love you and please take care of everyone," added Christi. Lea was entranced by light, she almost didn't catch Auntie Cam Cam fading away.

"My baby girl, you, your mother and brother are my everything, please don't forget that. I love you so much and just know I'm always with you." As he said those words, he tried to hug his daughter.

"Camile, you are a blessing to your friends. Continue to know your worth and love others. The world needs you." Helena added.

"Camile, veglia su Frankie. Saremo anche i tuoi santi."

"I love you all," Cam managed to choke out before she soon disappeared in cloud of gold smoke


White light and beeping.

That's what Cam saw, and heard as her eyes fluttered open.

She noticed the had on a mask, and as she tried to move her arms, everything felt heavy.

"C-Cam?" Ryan nervously called?


"Cam?" Ryan called again. He jumped up and looked at his little sister.

She was awake.

After 3 days being unconscious after being shot, Cam was awake.


In a matter of seconds, there were several doctors surrounding Cam ordering test upon test, including the cardiologist, neurologist, and general practitioner. A social worker was also called to make sure Cam would be placed with a therapist who could help with PTSD.

Michelle was by her side and so was Frank who was happy his love was awake. This was some good news after getting awful news. He knew he had to leave soon because he needed to see his family, and start planning double funerals.

Life was cruel at times.

Cam hadn't said much other than some brief greetings. She was overwhelmed, and was getting used to being back on earth, and actually using her body. Being in a bed zaps your energy.

All of the friends were called, and would be arriving later in the day to check in and see the miracle girl.

As Cam was being wheeled away for x-rays, Frank took her hand and kissed it.

"I'm so happy your awake babe," he said quietly, trying to bite back more tears.

Cam was gonna try to speak, but her mother stopped her.

"Try to save as much energy as you can dear. The doctors are gonna want you to try to walk tomorrow."

Cam nodded before turning back to Frank, she cupped his face gently and pulled him down to faintly kiss his cheek, already knowing of the loss he faced.

As she was wheeled away, Frank let out another choked sob. Cam was back, and his grandparents had passed.

Michelle robbed his back, as did Ryan.

After a few minutes, Frank regained his composure, and spoke.

"Hey, I should probably get home. My family probably needs me right now," he said wiping his eyes before continuing. "I really love and appreciate you both so much right now."

Michelle grabbed him in a hug. "You're still welcome in our family Frank," she said whispering in his ear. As she pulled away to look at him, another tear escaped his eye. Michelle wiped it away before speaking again, "Please tell your mom and dad I'm sorry, and to let me know if they need anything. I'm gonna be here for a few more days."

Frank quietly nodded and hugged her again.

"Thank you," he spoke quietly

"You're welcome."

He then hugged Ryan and was on his way.

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