Chapter 16: Beautiful and Ugly

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A/N: So how do we feel about Colleen? Do we think she is crazy or lonely? Or both?

Ray couldn't believe he STILL had the stamina he did. He also couldn't believe Cam had the stamina AND flexibility she did. And he sure as hell couldn't believe they had 3 hours of lovemaking under their belt. A four pack of condoms was now gone, and Cam was sleeping soundly on his bare chest, her hair tickling his collarbone.

He watched her looking like an angel, when just a few hours prior, they were both panting heavily, and moaning the other's names, as well as dropping expletives, exhausted after different positions, tons of laughter, lots of kissing, and just feeling the other's embrace of their heated and naked bodies close together.

He was recalling how during missionary, he could feel Cam's manicured almond shaped nails scratching down his back as he thrusted slow, and deep, hitting her special sweet spot several times. Or how she sucked baby hickies on his neck as she handled his 7 inch member. Her touching him that way, after not being touched for 5 years had him moaning loudly, and releasing quickly.

Perhaps one of the favorite moments was her taking control, and making her needs known as she pinned his hands above his head, and rode him until she was cumming hard, and him joining her shortly after.

He watched her sleeping soundly and was silently thanking God for her. She brought so much love, joy, companionship, and excitement back into his life.

He felt her stirring, and started gently massaging her scalp.

"Morning my love," he said kissing the top of her head. "How do you feel?"

She yawned, and locked eyes. "Honestly tired, and kinda sore."

"Yeah? Well, how do you feel about a bath? I'll massage your back and shoulders," he said holding her close, feeling her heartbeat against his.

"I'll take a bath, only if you join me," she said kissing his lips.

"Hmm, how can I say no?" he said with a smile.

He left the bed first, heading to the bathroom to get the water ready. Warm water would relax both their muscles, and the bubbles would just be super cute. Cam stayed on her tummy, grabbing her phone and checking the weather for their hike, as well as getting around to messages from her friends. Her and Ray had agreed to turn their phones off for the majority of the trip to be fully present with each other, and to really enjoy their anniversary with no distractions.

Aly: Happy 6 month to you two! The photo is super cute 🥰

Ro: Y'all look so happy and in love 😍 I can't deal with how precious you are. Also how was the anniversary sex? 😈

Cam: Thanks for the wishes y'all. We have been having a good time with each other, and let's just say we both have strong stamina 😏

Aly: OMG! I need the 🍵

Ro: Yessss!

Cam: We'll talk more later. Right now, he's running a bath for us 🥺 I love this sweet man so much.

Aly and Ro: OMG 😭

Ro: I can't with him.

Aly: Ok, go enjoy the bath time and remember, it's easier if you are sitting. Don't try any acrobatic sex moves in the shower bc you will hurt yourself. Trust 🤦🏻‍♀️

Cam: 🤣😱 I'll ask later bc omg

As Cam turned her phone  back off, she felt Ray's curls tickling her skin as he laid kisses down her back and spine.

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