Chapter 10

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I'm currently sitting in one of the empty art studio spaces at school working on a painting. 

I am not sure how I feel about the painting though.

 I can't decide if it's good, bad, or a combination of the two. 

This whole situation with Luke is incredibly frustrating and confusing.

 I have yet to figure out a way to help Whitney and myself out.

 Luke is definitely not the guy I thought I first met. 

He is manipulative and quick on his feet.

 "Willow. We need to talk." I hear Max say bringing me out of my thoughts. 

"Hmmm." I reply.

 "What's going on with Luke? You can't be serious about this." he starts. 

"I can... I am. Look, he's not that bad, you just have to get to know him." I try to convince him.

 "Willow, you don't want him." he challenges studying me closely.

 Huffing, I turn around fully to face him. 

"And you think I want you?" I question knowing where his mind was going.

 "I mean no.." he trails conflicted on how to answer. 

"You can not have me, Audrey, and Aki." I state simply.

 "You know about that?" he asks, eyes widening in shock. 

"Duh, Audrey is one of my best friends. She tells me everything." I remind him.

 "It was a game with them." he tries to defend himself. 

"Maybe with Audrey but not with Aki. Which is why you can't keep messing around with me and getting angry when other guys breathe near me." I inform him.

 "I do not." he states but quickly stops when he sees the face I'm giving him.

 "Fine. Willow, you are my best friend and quite possibly the best friend I have ever had. So sometimes in the past our hooks up have meant more to me than you but I'm not trying to interfere in your life like that anymore. I'm just trying to protect you. Luke is bad news. You helped me with Rafa so let me help you with Luke."

 "There's nothing wrong with Luke. Therefore I don't need your help. What I need is for you to just drop it, please." I beg. 

"Besides, why the sudden change when you were the one who dared me to go for him to begin with?" I question getting a little annoyed by this. 

"Because I didn't think you would actually go for him! And I didn't know he was this awful guy at the time" he replies. 

"Max. I'm getting really tired of this conversation and game. It's over. I'm with Luke and you can be with Aki once he and Audrey realize there is nothing left of that relationship." 

"Why do you keep talking about Aki?" he questions seriously.

 "Well, it's obvious that you like each other. Neither of you have realized it though. And I love Audrey but if she really needed to bring you in for some threesome then their relationship has probably been on the decline for some time." I explain. 

"Willow..." Max starts stepping closer to me. 

"Hey, babe there you are!" Luke says walking into the room.

 Max scuffs glaring at him.

 "Hello Max." Luke greets him. 

All Max does is glare at him once more. 

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