Chapter 80

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Grabbing two wine glasses from the rack, I place them on the table and set out a bottle of red wine that I held onto tightly on the walk over to Liam's.

Emily had got it for me as one of my going away presents.

Something told me that I would need it for a special occasion, and I was convinced that tonight was that night.

Lighting the candle I had brought over that last time I was here, Liam comes to move behind me.

Squeezing my arms he turns me around, pecking my lips.

After a few sweet exchanges I pull away grabbing the bottle I had placed on that table.

"Do you want me to pour you some wine?"

I couldn't drink tonight.

But I figured he might need a drink or two considering what I'm about to do.

"Yeah, sure. I'll start setting the plates while you do that." He voices with a head nod.

He heads towards the stove and grabs two plates from the cabinet.

I watch him as he carefully scoops the pasta onto both plates, following it up by pouring the sauce I made earlier on top.

He hums softly to himself as he takes the bread from out the oven.

He's so nice.

Drawing my attention back to the wine I struggle with the corkscrew.

Releasing a huff and a shake of my head I hear Liam let out a light laugh.

"Something funny?" I playfully question with a raised eyebrow.

"Here, babe, I'm sorry." He announces as he walks over to me.

Taking the corkscrew from my hand he opens the wine bottle with ease.

I stare in wonderment and slight jealously at him for being able to open it when I had struggled.

He grins before placing a kiss on my cheek and heading back into the main part of the kitchen.

I pour his glass nearly to the top while filling mine with water.

Liam comes to the table not to long after, both of our plates in hand.

He carefully sets the plates down before pulling my chair out for me.

Giving him a soft smile I say, "Thank you."

"Of course." He hums.

"To dinner with my gorgeous girlfriend." He cheers.

Not knowing how to react to that I clank my glass with his and take a sip of my water.

"Oh, that's good." He compliments.

"I'll have to tell Emily, the next time I talk to her. She gave it to me as a going away present." I inform him.

"Never knew, red wine could be so good. You sure you don't want any?" he questions, noticing the water in my glass.

"No, I'm fine." I hum, lifting my fork.

I take a bite of the pasta.

As the flavor hits my tongue my eyes widen in delight.

"Liam." I say softly.

"Yes?" he replies.

"How the hell are you Kim boys so good at everything? This is seriously the best pasta I've ever had." I voice.

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