Chapter 47

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I'm sitting in an empty art room working on a piece to add to my portfolio.

Ever since the brunch I've been updating my portfolio adding new pieces.

I really want this summer internship with Ruth McGee this summer to happen which means everything I produce from now on has to be perfect.

"Ohhh Willow!" I hear the voice of Julien and a few pairs of footsteps approaching me.

I look up from the easel to be meet with Julien, Monet, Audrey, and Kennedy.

"Hi." I say before returning to my work.

"Such a busy bee you are." Kennedy comments and then moves to see what I'm working on.

I get up quickly blocking her view.

"She doesn't like for us to see her work." Monet states with an eye roll at Kennedy for not knowing this information.

How was she supposed to know though.

"Well, most of her work. The stuff we do get to see is always amazing." Julien voices from beside Monet.

"Well, I can't wait to potentially see your work someday." Kennedy says, emphasizing the word potentially.

"So, what. Brings you four here?" I question, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Kennedy has some big news." Julien starts off.

"Yes, I do! So, I'm still living up this whole 'new girl' thing and so I decided to throw a housewarming party for myself. You've been MIA for the past two weeks slaving away on your art, so I brought numbers." She pauses referring to Monet, Audrey, and Julien, "To help convince you to come."

"Wait, that's why you drug me out here? If I would have known, I would have never come." Monet scuffs.

"I mean a house party? Eww, are we in the suburbs now?" she continues.

"I'd have to agree." Audrey speaks up.

"Kennedy, I think that's a great idea." Julien disagrees.

"Are we used to house parties in the upper east side, no. But a party is a party." She shrugs her shoulder.

"And no offense but Willow, you could use a night out." Julien finishes her explanation.

"She is right with that one." Audrey chimes in shrugging her shoulder in agreement.

"You haven't gone to Dumbo with us since last Spring and we've barely seen you around these past two weeks. This could be good for you, hanging out with us again." Audrey explains.

Maybe I don't want to hang out with them if alcohol is going to be involved.

And maybe I'm trying to do something with my life like getting this damn internship.

"I'm still against a house party –" Monet starts but Kennedy clears her throat loudly so Monet changes her words, "I mean house warming party but they are right we need to get you out and about." She sighs.

"I don't know I just feel like some good dick and a night out with your friends could help loosen you up a little." Kennedy states bluntly.

"Back to the Willow I met at fashion week." She adds.

But I'm still the same Willow.

"Yeah, when was the last time you got a good fuck?" Audrey question in genuine curiosity.

"No comment." I say and move to start packing up my materials.

It's clear I'm not gonna be able to finish this before lunch is over with now.

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