Chapter 65

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Double Update so read chapter 64 first if you haven't already!! 

"Here's some coffee." I hear Westin voice.

He sounds hoarse.

"How long was she out for again?" I can hear dad question.

I can tell he's upset by the tone of his voice.

"About seven minutes. We thought she just got sick on the dance floor but when she didn't come to after two minutes, we called the ambulance." Westin answers.

"Oh my god." I hear mom choke out.

I can hear the sound of dad shushing her. Most likely rocking her back and forth in his arms.

"I swear she was fine all night." Westin says.

"That's how it typically goes." Declan now speaks sounding distraught.

There's a chilling silence before I hear mom question, "How do you know?"

A small sniffle causes everyone to notice me.

"You're up?" mom asks as she gets up from her chair and makes her way over to me.

I slowly open my eyes taking in my surroundings.

White walls.

Sterile smells.

Beeping machines.

"Here, drink this water." Dad murmurs walking over to me, glass in hand.

I take the glass from his hand taking slow slips.

"I'll get Dr. Garcia." Westin announces.

"Are you okay baby?" mom asks, gently taking my hand in her own.

"What happened?" I question in confusion.

"You got sick at the dance. You were out for a while." She answers.

I already knew that though.

What happened, like really happened.

"Yeah, I know that but what's wrong with me. Why did I get sick?" I ask with a raspy voice.

"Willow Bass?" the doctor announces herself as he walks into the room, "I'm Dr. Garcia, nice to meet you." She offers to shake my hand.

Shaking her hand, I then intertwine my fingers nervously messing with them.

"How are you feeling right now?" she questions.

"Confused but other than that fine." I reply.

"That's to be expected. I'm gonna ask you some questions and then maybe we can better assess what led to you ending up here." She suggests.

"Sure." I speak lowly.

"What did you have to eat today?"

This feels invasive.

"I had a banana for breakfast and then some pasta for dinner." I partially lie.

Did I eat a banana for breakfast? No.

Did I have pasta for dinner? Yes and no.

I ordered it at the restaurant.

Never actually ate it though.

"She didn't touch her pasta though." Westin interrupts.

I was hoping everyone was too caught up in conversations to notice my untouched plate.

"I did, you left to go to the restroom with Max and I ate some of it." I lie.


"Okay, well what have you had to eat this past week?" Dr. Garcia asks.

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