Chapter 18

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The car ride to the holiday fundraiser is off to an awkward start as mom and dad are not looking forward to having to see Donna again.

 Westin and I keep assuring them that everything will go fine. 

They just want the best for Julien after they consider how they would feel if the situations were reversed. 

I'm just hoping that this is a dramaless night.

 Once we get to the event we all go our separate ways. 

I run into Aki and Audrey.

 "Aki, Audrey." I smile politely. 

"Hey, Willow. I'm sorry about everything." Audrey states looking at me with pleading eyes. 

"It's fine, just be more conscious of your actions and their intent, yeah?" I reply. 

Audrey looks over my shoulder so I turn around to see what she's looking at. 

"Wow, she came." she says seeing Julien.

 "Why don't you say hi to her while I fill our extra seat with cookies and hot toddies for you?" Aki suggests as he walks away from us.

 "Aki is right Audrey, she could really use you right now." I voice pulling my jacket on a little tighter.

 It is freezing here. 

Audrey and I then walk over to Julien.

 "Hey." she starts once we meet up with Julien. 

"I see your grandma flew in, huh?" she questions. 

"Yes. She's here." Julien states simply. 

"Look, I know I said -"Audrey begins but Julien ends up speaking at the same time as here, "I'm sorry that – oh." Audrey chuckles while I take a sip of my tea.

 "I come bearing gifts." Julien now says as she pulls a gift out of her bag for Audrey and me.

 "I can't accept this. Not until our Christmas Eve gift exchange. I mean it's tradition Julien." Audrey voices. 

"Well, I'm leaving for Indiana in the morning." Julien replies. 

"Wait, it's official?" I question becoming alarmed that Donna was able to work so fast.

 "What is she talking about?" Audrey questions Julien referring to my comment. 

"It's best if I'm around my family right now so I'm gonna leave New York." she informs Audrey.

 "But we're your family." Audrey states in confusion. 

"Are you?" Julien questions looking at Audrey. 

"Just open it please and give the rest of the gifts to everyone else, Willow." Julien states handing me her bag full of presents. 

"Umm, yeah sure?" I reply.

Once I drop the bag off in coat check I'm looking around for Zoya. 

If one person could make Donna stay it would be Zoya and her dad. 

They are family, Donna has to listen to them.

 "Zoya!" I yell spotting her.

 "Willow?" she questions surprised I would want anything to do with her. 

"Why are you wearing that?" I ask, getting distracted by her attire. 

She is extremely underdressed for the occasion. 

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