Chapter 62

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I let the sound of light laughter guide me down the stairs.

"Morning honey." Mom beams as she sees me enter the kitchen.

"Morning." I reply giving her a hug.

"How are you sweetheart?" dad questions after he places a kiss on the top of my head.

"Good." A small yawn escapes.

"Uh no ma'am. Drink this coffee." Mom demands passing over a cup of coffee for me.

"You will not be tired today." She continues.

"Why's that?" I chuckle taking a small sip of the warm drink.

"Well, we were waiting for both you and your brother to wake up, but I guess he's still asleep." Dad sighs.

"I'm up!" we hear Westin's voice before we see him.

"So, what's up?" I ask now that both of us are here.

"Your mother and I have decided to throw a birthday party for you two. And it's tonight!" dad informs us.

"Birthday party?" Westin questions the same time I say "Tonight?"

"Surprise!" mom exclaims.

"We didn't get to really celebrate last year given the circumstances."

You can say it mom, I'm not gonna crack.

"But we are going all out this year. Especially since it's the last time my babies will spend their birthday under our roof." Mom continues.

"We haven't had a birthday party since we were like twelve mom, a trip to Vienna, Monaco, or Ibiza would have sufficed." Westin grins to which dad playfully slaps him on the back of his head.

"I think it's a lovely idea mom, thanks." I smile not wanting to offend her.

"I'm just concerned about one thing." I voice.

"Yeah?" mom asks.

"Does it have to be tonight?" my eyes drift away not wanting to make eye contact.

"Uh yeah." She chuckles.

"Everything is already booked. All your friends have known about this date. We can't move it." She finishes.

"What's wrong with tonight, Willow?" dad questions.

He can always tell when something's off with me.

"She has to see Declan." Westin coughs out in a not so discreet way.

It's now my turn to slap him on the back of his head.

"Okay you all are gonna give me a concussion right before playoffs!" he exclaims.

"Wait, what's going on with Declan?" mom and dad question.

"They got into a fight." Westin snickers.

"Do you want me to hit you again?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

He raises his hands in surrender.

"Aww, what was it about?" mom asks.

"Honey, she'll tell us if she wants to." Dad voices, rubbing mom's back in comforting circles.

"No, it's fine dad." I sigh.

"He found out I was looking into his past without his knowledge. We've talked about him opening up to me when he's ready, but I didn't listen." I pick at my nails as I speak.

"Did you apologize?" mom asks.

"Yeah, but I'm not that sorry and he knows it soooo." I trail off not knowing how to finish that sentence.

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