2: Stealing Insults

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"I AM GOING TO RIP YOUR THROAT OUT!" screamed Scott, red alpha eyes blazing furiously, as Malia, who had stopped by to see if Scott was okay tonight, stared at him with a mixture of shock and awe.

"That's a classic Hale insult, right there," she commented. "I'm actually kind of proud."

"Do you want him to kill me?" hissed Theo, who was currently pinned up against the wall, by the throat.

"In all fairness, you did take his daughter out into the woods, in the middle of the night, and there was a bitchy hunter and a potentially-hostile werewolf - " Malia was cut off by yet another one of Scott's shout.

"WITH MY TEETH!" continued Scott.

"He wasn't hostile!" protested Jade, frowning. "Wait, what does hostile mean?"

"It means dangerous, but that's not the point - " Malia explained. "Besides, Theo, Scott won't kill you. Liam would kill him."


"Are you sure about that?" wheezed Theo.

"Oh, that one is pure Stiles," Malia said, ignoring Theo's complaints. "Is he just stealing other people's insults, now? Also, don't listen to your daddy, Jay, he's using some bad words."


"DADDY!" screamed Jade. "Daddy, we found him!"

Scott paused in his threatening, and Theo looked gratefully at his niece, who took the pause in her father's threatening to go on. 

"Daddy, we found Isaac, he's got chains and he's being held by this horrible woman named Allison Argent, it's awful, Daddy, you have to get him back, she's hurting him so bad..." Jade began to whimper, frightened at the mention of Allison.

Scott's head slowly swiveled back to Theo. "You're telling me Allison was in the same forest as my daughter?" Theo's eyes slowly widened in horror.

"Daddy, please, it wasn't Uncle Theo's fault!" pleaded Jade. "He didn't know!" Scott let out a long breath, and finally released Theo, who gasped for air.

"Are you okay, Jade? Did they see you?" Scott asked Jade urgently, examining his daughter for signs of harm.

"No," Theo answered for her, earning another glare from a still-mad Scott, but Jade was shifting on her feet uncomfortably.

"Mr. Isaac saw me," she admitted. "I snapped a twig and he heard me, but he's nice, Daddy, I know it, he won't say anything!"

"Why did she come back?" wondered Scott worriedly. "All this time - why has she come back to Beacon Hills? And more importantly - " he fixated his gaze on Theo - "why did she let you live?"

"Excuse me?" Theo looked offended, clutching his injured shoulder as he took a seat on the couch.

"Allison's the best huntress there is, there must be something she wanted you to tell me, she wouldn't have just let you escape," scoffed Scott, standing over Theo expectantly.

Theo rolled his eyes. "I happen to be a very adept werewolf - okay, fine, yes, I'm supposed to tell you that you have to 'give her what's hers' or Isaac dies."

"What?" Scott croaked, his face turning an ashen gray.

"What? Daddy, what does the meanie hunter want?" asked Jade.

"Malia, would you take her upstairs, please?" Malia nodded, picking a struggling Jade up and carrying her up the stairs.

"Daddy!" cried Jade, angry at being taken away from the conversation. "Daddy, you can't just do this! What does she want?"

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