6: The Wedding

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Jade bounced down the stairs the next morning to find only Malia sitting at the kitchen table, lazily sipping a cup of black coffee with one sugar and no milk. 

"Where's Daddy?" she inquired.

"Probably upstairs," Malia informed her. "Wait, don't wake them up yet," she instructed, and grabbed her phone. "Okay, now follow my lead."

She walked upstairs, took a picture of her victims, the sleeping, shirtless Isaac and Scott, Isaac safely enclosed in Scott's arms, and then allowed Jade to go in and wake them up, Melissa McCall smirking from behind Malia.

"I do wish you'd find someone," she told Malia.

"Nobody's caught my eye yet," shrugged Malia. "Okay, Jade, now!"

"WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!" screeched Jade, and Isaac fell out of bed, pulling the sheets with him, startled by the sudden wake-up call. Scott, more used to such tactics, opened his eyes groggily and stared at his daughter.

"All right, who took the blackmail photos?" Scott glanced between his mother and Malia, who waved with a mischievous smirk this time, holding her phone in the air with her other hand.

"Me," she confessed, not looking guilty at all. "And I'm not deleting them, no matter what you say. So, did you two do the nasty?"

"Your floor still hurts," commented Isaac, getting back into bed.

Melissa clapped her hands at Isaac's attempt to return to sleep. "Nope, no time for that!"

Scott frowned, displeased. "What, why?"

Malia grinned. "Have you forgotten or something? Theo and Liam are getting hitched today! Liam will be over in a few minutes; Theo's going over to Stiles' place to get ready. Apparently they've decided to re-enforce the no-seeing-the-grooms thing."

Scott's eyes widened, and he promptly scrambled out of bed. "That's today? I forgot all about it - Liam's gonna - no, Theo's gonna - which one do you think is going to get to me first?"

"Theo," chorused Malia and Melissa.

"And don't worry," Melissa added, "I made sure Jade's dress was ready, and your suit was ready, no duct tape involved, and Malia's going home for the day, because obviously her dress is at her house."

"I only wore duct tape to one school dance!" protested Scott, glaring at his mother, before turning his gaze over to Malia. "Are you going to Mr. Tate's, or Peter's?"

"My adopted dad's," Malia shrugged. "Peter's still, you know, technically dead..." And she promptly left the room to go to her own house, calling, "See you later, Jay-Jay!" over her shoulder.

"Ah," Melissa nodded. "Derek and Cora should be arriving here shortly," she called to Scott, who looked panicked.

"What? Why here?" cried Scott frantically. "Wait, does Isaac have a suit?"

"I'm going?" Isaac began to panic, too, his claws coming out; Scott quickly grabbed his hand, and the claws withdrew.

Melissa rolled her eyes at her son and at Isaac. "Yes, here, because it's the pack house, in all intent and purpose, and Derek's invited to the wedding. Considering Derek hasn't met anyone that we know of in Brazil, he decided to bring Cora. And I did think ahead and go to the liberty of buying Isaac a suit."

Scott released a breath. "Thanks, Mom." He might be twenty-four, but he did still depend on his mother...a lot.

"What are moms for?" Melissa shrugged and turned around. "Now get dressed, Jade and I have to go make her very pretty, isn't that right, my beautiful girl?"

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