4: Surreal

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When Isaac woke up the next morning, it was to find a small, eager face staring joyfully up at him, wide-eyed and beaming. 

"Mr. Isaac! You're awake!" A loud squeal immediately made him cover his ears and curl up into the middle of the bed, into the fetal position that had become his natural position, over the course of the last several years. 

Isaac took a deep breath, getting his bearings. He was in Scott's room. And the little girl must be Jaden. 

He was in Scott's room. Isaac deeply inhaled the scent of Scott, and then flushed a bright red as Scott, whom he hadn't actually noticed, gave a loud cough. 

"Sorry," mumbled Isaac.

"I brought you breakfast, Mr. Isaac," continued Jaden; Isaac looked at her, now fully emotionally prepared, with a mixture of surprise and awe. "Daddy made it, he says I'm not allowed anywhere near the stove until I'm older, but it's really yummy. Do you remember me? I saw you in the forest, the other night."

"I do," Isaac nodded. "And you don't need to call me Mr., Jaden."

"I go by Jade," beamed the girl. "Do I call you uncle, then? Like I call Uncle Theo, and Uncle Stiles?"

"Jade," Scott placed a hand on her shoulder. "Just call him Isaac, for now, all right? Let him have his rest." He led Jade out of the room, and Isaac was just about to call him back when Scott re-entered the room.

"You're alive," Scott whispered, having shut the door. He was now pacing the floor at the foot of his bed. "I knew it, I knew you had to be alive...Isaac," he sobbed. "Isaac, I missed you, so much."

Isaac stared at Scott, his eyes wide. "You're not mad at me?" he asked finally.

"Mad at you? Why the hell would I ever be mad at you?" cried Scott. "Allison had you under a witch's potion, Isaac, that's why you could never remember anything, Isaac, if you would've just explained the situation to me..."

"But I cheated on you," sobbed Isaac. "Scott, I got your ex-girlfriend pregnant."

"And you gave me my beautiful daughter," Scott moved closer to Isaac, taking a seat on the bed and cupping Isaac's face. "Our beautiful daughter."

"McCall-Lahey, huh?" Isaac laughed, his eyes filled with tears. "You gave her my last name."

"Of course I did," Scott pulled Isaac into a hug. "Wow, you really need a shower."

Isaac laughed harder, tears of relief streaming from his eyes, and complied with Scott's request, heading into the adjoined bathroom. Soon, the sound of water running filled Scott's ears, but Scott was more focused on letting out a long breath.

Isaac was back.

Isaac was here.

What happens now?

Scott had spent so much time looking for Isaac, pounding the pavement, putting up literal "MISSING" posters until finally his mother told them that they would probably be out of date...it was hard to believe that Isaac was really here, in Scott's bathroom.

"Scott?" Isaac's voice called, just after the water had shut off. "Is it okay if I use your towel?"

"What?" Scott fiddled mindlessly with his bed covers. "Yes, of course it is, Isaac."

"Oh, okay, thank you," Isaac's voice seemed to resonate, and Scott couldn't help it; as Isaac exited the bathroom, he had to glance up. Briefly, of course; he lowered his gaze almost immediately; but there was no doubt about it, Isaac's time with Allison had taken a toll on his body. His torso was covered in scars, and every last one of his ribs was showing. He was also quite pale - he must not go on missions with Allison like this one very often.

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