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Fast forward and 3 months already passed. I was adjusting really well in the company and my job. It was going pretty well. Now that I have stepped out of that comfort zone, I am shining so much better than before. However, I was still curious who Isabella is. Her seat was next to me but it was vacant for a few months. From what I heard, my colleague was taking a few months off for her wedding preparation and honeymoon. I cannot wait to meet her since everyone was talking a lot about her and we shared the same name!

I found out that Aaron finally got close with Wanda and focusing on his life a month ago. I wished him for the best and happiness with his fiancée, Wanda. He did message and called me thousand times after our last meeting at the café back then. But I would always ignore all his messages. I believe happiness will come to me when I let go of the hurt that has been holding me back for the past years.

I made a wish on my birthday which was the same day as I found out Aaron finally moves on and stop disturbing me. My housemates bought a cake for me. Before that, Abigail asked me to make a wish and blew the candle. I closed my eyes and made a wish. "I wish that I will find my true love soon. I want to fall in love once again." I whispered to myself. Hopefully my wish will come true in future. After all, I deserved to find a new happiness and begin a journey of my life.

It is Monday morning and yes, it is a typical Monday blues. I yawned a few times before actually getting out of bed to get ready for work. I walk to the bathroom, taking a quick shower. 20 minutes later, I walk out of the bathroom and get dressed. I tie my hair in a neat bun and put on my lip tint. I smile and go to the kitchen, greeting my house mates.

"Good morning, everyone. How are you, guys?" I ask them.

Abigail sighs, eyeing at Sarah and replies, "Well, I could not get any sleep due to a certain someone wants to watch a horror movie." I nod and add, "Oh my God! Same! I cannot even sleep peacefully yesterday." Sarah and Britney say in unison, "What a pair of cowards." The four of us bicker for a good 10 minutes until it was time to head to work.

The four of us walked towards my car and I drove to our workplace. Each of us work at different departments in the company. Abigail works at the Human Resources department meanwhile Sarah works at the Informational Technology department. Britney works at the financial department. That is one of the reasons why we rarely have lunch together.

20 minutes later, we arrive and I bid good bye to them, "See you guys at 5." I walk towards my office and sit down, focusing on the report that need to be done by the end of the day. I smile and say, "Let's get cracking, shall we?" I look at my computer and begin typing for the past few hours.

It is already lunchtime. I had lunch with my colleagues at the company's cafeteria. I walk back to my office and something pop in my mind. "Drinks. I need sweet drinks to keep me energize." I say to myself. I grab my bag, and ask my colleague, Aimee, "I'm just going to go to the Destino café to get drinks. Do you want to order anything?" She shakes her head, "No, I'm good. I already have my drink right here." I nod and head my way the nearest café with my colleagues. I queue in line, waiting for my turn. I look at the menu, thinking which drinks I should buy. "A chocolate milkshake or a caramel macchiato?" I say to myself.

10minutes later and it is my turn. I smile and greet the cashier and order, "One chocolate milkshake and a packet of these chocolate chip cookies, please." "Sure, thing that will be $ 25.99." I reach for my wallet in my bag and I could not find it. "Where is it?" I search for it a few times and I still could not find my wallet. 

Did I actually lose it or did I accidentally left in on my desk? There are a few people at the back are shouting at me, telling me to hurry up. I panic for a few seconds. I take a deep breath, looking at the cashier, "Um. Actually, I think I forgot to bring my wallet. So could you..." I was interrupted by my phone notification. I look back at the cashier, and say, "I'm sorry. I'm just going to head back to my office and grab my wallet. Could you just put my stuffs aside? Thank you."

I walk out of the café, heading my way towards the office. I shook my head, "Why am I so forgetful these days?" Ping! My phone vibrates once again. I huff and quickly grab my phone from my pocket.

I look at my phone and saw one message request from an unknown guy from twitter. I furrow my eyebrows, "Hmm who is this?" I click on the chat box and read up the text, "Hey there. So, when are you going to give my jacket back?"

I read the text carefully and begin to reply, "Jacket? What are you talking about? I don't sell any jacket, sorry." I put my phone back and quickly ran to my office to get my purse.

Ping! My phone vibrate a few times, signaling that I received a few more messages from this random guy on twitter. I sigh, and quickly read it through the notification box.

"Wow, you sure do forget about me so fast. I miss my jacket already☹ After what I did for you at the bus, how could you forget it?"

"Bus? Wait did he just said he met me at the bus?!" I exclaim loudly. A few passersby were looking at me and I just look down at the ground, feeling embarrassed.

I gasp loudly, remembering the past incidents at the bus 3 months ago. "The jacket guy! It is you, right?" I reply his chat.

"Finally, I met the jacket guy! It's been so long and I nearly forget about it. How pathetic I was back then when we first met." I say to myself and chuckle a little.

Ping! One new message. I immediately read his chat, "Hahaha. Yep, that's me. So, do you still have my jacket?" I reply, "Yes, of course. I already washed it and kept it on my drawer." Then I add, "I was about to throw it away the other day but..."

Ping! I read his reply, "How could you? I helped you back then ☹ " I laugh at his reaction and say, "I was just joking. I would never do that. I will give it to you tomorrow. So, where do we meet?"

He replied, "Wait a sec. Before that let me introduce myself and let's get to know each other. I am Shawn Daniel and you are...?"

"Hi I am Alice Clarke and thank you for lending your jacket back then." Then he replied, "Nice to know you, Alice and yes, let's meet tomorrow. It is a date, then. 😉"

My heart skips a beat and I blush. "Date? He was probably just joking, dummy." I say to myself. I smile brightly, and thinking of a suitable reply to his chat.

"Is this the right time to restart my love story once again? Getting to know someone and open my heart for someone new?'" I say to myself. I take a deep breath and whisper in a soft voice, "Let's find out, shall we?"

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