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A week passed and I was back to my daily routine of staying at home. You know, the usual wake up in the morning, cooked for breakfast and more. It is like super boring if you ask me. It was Monday morning and I turned on a Disney song called, 'When will my life begin' sang by Mandy Moore. The song was from a Disney movie named Tangled.

I turned the volume up and followed along to sing the lyrics of the song. "Seven A.M., the usual morning line- up. Start on the chores and sweep 'til the floors all clean." I sang while sweeping the floor in my floor.

After finished sweeping the floor, I came downstairs, carrying a laundry basket and hummed the previous song that was still stuck in my head, "Do laundry and mop and shine up." I sang.

It was already evening and I took a few books out from my book shelf. I sang along the lyrics, "So, I'll read a book or maybe two or three." Well in my case, I will reread the book. I looked at each of the book I took just now. "Hmm. Maybe I should buy a few more books later. Time to go to the bookstore this weekend, I suppose."

Later that evening, I laid down, looking at the ceiling and thought a few things. Sometimes, I do think of Aaron. However, my heart did not hurt anymore. Mo more pain in my chest at night. Linda was right after all. The scar will heal over time. I looked at the calendar that were placed at my desk and said, "Stuck in the same place I've always been. And I'll keep wondering, and wondering and wondering and wondering... When will my life begin?"

A few months passed, I had two more weeks until my graduation. I was shopping for an outfit for my graduation ceremony which is around the corner. "Hmm what colour should I wear? Which colour suit my skin tone?" I said to myself. I went to a few shops to try on a few dresses and none of them looked pretty on me. I was about to head home, feeling upset due to not finding the perfect dress for the event.

All of a sudden, my mom pulled me towards a boutique called Flora. I whined, wanting to go home because my legs were aching. My mom looked at me and said, "Just go to this boutique. If we still didn't get anything, we'll go home and shop next weekend." I nodded and entered the boutique. I looked around the boutique and my eyes landed at the most beautiful dress I ever seen. It was a baby blue dress with a few diamonds sparkle on the edge of the dress making it look elegant yet simply. Just my style. It was not too fancy and just right for the event. I grabbed the dress, went to the fitting room and tried it on.

10 minutes later, I came out of the fitting room and showed my mom. "How do I look, mom?" I asked her. My mom smiled widely, and said, "You looked pretty, my darling. This dress really suits you. And it is your favourite colour too! You should really buy this!" I nodded eagerly and went to the counter to purchase the dress.

I linked arms with my mom, exiting the boutique, "Thank God, we finally buy the dress today!" I exclaimed loudly. My mom giggled and we headed home after a tiring shopping spree between mother and daughter.

Fast forward. Two weeks already passed and it was the day of my graduation. This is it. This is the moment I had always been wanting for and looking forward since last month. I woke up early in the morning, earlier than I expected as I could barely fall asleep yesterday. I went to the bathroom, getting ready for my big day.

I opened up my wardrobe and picked up the dress I bought two weeks ago. I smiled, putting it on. I looked at the mirror and smiled, "you look amazing, Alice." I said to myself. I went to do my makeup next. I put on lipstick, blusher, concealer and eye shadow. "Let's make it look simple yet natural." I said.

I went downstairs, grabbed my breakfast. A part of me was so nervous and it affected my appetite to eat breakfast. I only took a few spoonsful of fried rice and drink water.

My heart beat faster and I kept on thinking, wondering what it will be like. It was so nerve wrecking. 15 minutes later, my family and I headed to Sky University, where my graduation ceremony started in two hours.

30 minutes later, we arrived and my dad parked the car at the ceremony hall. I walked out of the car, bidding good bye to my parents. "Mom, Dad. I have to go to the student's sections. I'll meet you once the ceremony finished. Watch me at the ceremony." I said to them. I quickly ran to Kathy and Jeremy. Both of them waved at me and greeted, "Alice! It's been a long time. How are you?" I nodded and said, "I am good. How are you guys? Congrats on your engagement! So... When's the wedding?" I teased both of them. The three of us laughed and chatted with each other, keeping up with the latest life updates.

I smiled and looking at their outfit. Both of them looked really good and stylish. Kathy was wearing a green emerald dress and paired it up with black shoes. Her hair was kept in a neat bun and bangs in front. Jeremy wore a black suit and emerald tie. I smiled and said, "It is cute how you guys wore matching colour outfit concept. I adore you two." Both of them smiled brightly and blushed. These two love birds. Then I asked, "Guys, where's Mila?" Both Jeremy and Kathy shook their head.

All of a sudden, I heard someone called my name. I turned around and saw Mila. "Oh, Mila. There you are! I was wondering about you just now." I said to her. Mila came towards our direction. She was wearing a silver dress and silver shoes. Looking elegant and classy just like her personality. I smiled at her and complimented her outfit, "Well, you look stunning, best friend." She smiled and said, "You look pretty good as well wearing your favourite colour." We talked for a few minutes until Kathy interrupted us, saying that we should take a group selfie together.

"Guys, let's take a selfie! It is our big day today!" She said cheerfully. Both Mila and I nodded and went to take selfies with them.

The four of us took multiples selfie together. It was fun. Kathy then sent our group photos on our group chat on WhatsApp. It is a group chat of the 7 of us. Ping! One new message from Johnny. "Where are you guys? We are here to meet and congratulate the four of you." I read. I was about to reply to him and I heard Johnny's voice calling us from afar.

I turned to my right and squinted my eyes, "Is that Johnny?" I mumbled. I waved at him and he saw me. There were Johnny, Jenny and Felix too. The three of them will have their graduation ceremony tomorrow. They brought flowers with them. I smiled and said, "Guys, thank you for coming and see us. I appreciate it." Johnny replied to me, "Well, you guys have to come tomorrow too." All of us laughed. We talked for a few minutes, took a group photo and it was such a great memory. I will always cherish these memories.

I was about to say something but I was interrupted by the staffs saying that it is time for the graduates to enter the hall. I put my hand on my chest and calming myself, "Everything is going to be alright, dear self." I entered the hall and sat next to my friends. The Chancellor came and gave his speech. He started with a brief introduction, "Good Morning to all parents, professors, lecturers and last but not least our students. Today, we will be celebrating the student's graduation ceremony..." He said.

45 minutes later, it was time for us to walk in front of the hall and receive the scroll. It was nearly my turn and I was a bit nervous. I looked at my other course mates and observed their behaviours.

"Jeremy Miller." The speaker called. Jeremy stood up and walked to the front. Next was Kathy. She smiled at me and went to the front to take the scroll. She smiled brightly and walked down as she finished.

"Alice Clarke." I immediately stood up, and my heart beat faster. I walked towards the chancellor who was about to hand in the scroll to me. I thanked him, taking the scroll and facing the camera, giving a big smile for a good picture. I quickly went down and find my seat as soon as I can.

However, I heard a round of applause and some cheers when it was my turn to walk in to receive the scrolls. I wonder who were being supportive of me and encouraged me by giving applauses and cheers. 

I sat down and asked my friends, "Was it you guys? Who clapped loudly and do the cheers when I walked in front?" I asked my friends. 

Jeremy, Kathy and Mila shook their head, "No. We were only recording you at that time. It was such a surprise that there were loud noises of cheering and applause on your turn." Kathy said. Mila smirked and joked, "Maybe Alice has a lot of fans. Such a popular girl."

I rolled my eyes, trying to not believe the nonsense she said. I smiled widely and exclaimed, "Guys, we finally made it! We have graduated. I cannot believe that! I cannot wait and looking forward to start a new journey of life."

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