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Play. Pause. Fast forward and it was 25th of February. The day of my field work at New York City. The city where my adorable boyfriend lived. I talked about it with Aaron yesterday's night just before going to bed.

"I am going to bed right now since I have to wake up early tomorrow." I groaned.

"Yes, you better sleep, baby. I really hope we can meet tomorrow! Can't believe you are coming to my hometown." He grinned, happily.

I looked at him and smiled. A part of me could not help it but to feel nervous. I nodded and replied, 'Yes. I really do hope so. But, don't get too excited. I'm worried if I finish my field work late.' He agreed and replied, 'Yes. Don't worry. Have fun tomorrow. Good night sweetheart. Sweet dreams.' I nodded in agreement and said, 'Good night to you too. Sweet dreams.'

The next morning, I woke up at 7 o'clock in the morning. I quickly go to wash my face and got ready. I opened my wardrobe and looked at the range of clothes I had. My eyes were searching for the suitable outfit and said, 'Hmm. What should I wear? I should wear a loose pants since I will be moving around a lot for the field work.'

I picked up my dark blue pants and paired it up with a white top. I brought my blue cardigan and also black sling back to pop up my look. I brushed my dark brown hair and tie it up in a high ponytail using a blue hair tie. All blue for today, I guess. I put on my pink nude lipstick and a bit of eyeliner. That's pretty much the makeup I wear every time when I go out.

"Simple and my favourite colour. Okay, let's have fun and hopefully I have enough time to meet Aaron." I smiled. I walked out of my room and greeted my house mates. I went to the kitchen and grabbed my sandwich. I bid goodbye to my housemates, Ellie, Felicia and Nancy.

"Bye, girls. See you tonight." I smiled.

"Bye Alice. Have fun. Say hi to Aaron for us if you get to meet him." They said. I nodded and walked out of the house. I walked to my department building to wait for the rest of my course mates to arrive. There were 70 students in my course and there will be 2 bus assigned for everyone including our 2 professors. My course mate, Alison approached me and had a chat with me. I guess both of us were pretty early today. It was only 8 o'clock and we were 30 minutes early from the expected time to gather here.

"Hey, Alice. You are early today. Has any of your friends arrive yet? My group members are on their way." She said. I looked at her and smiled, 'Oh hey Alison! I guess we are early today. Yes, Kathy and Jeremy are on their way too."

I chatted with Alison for about 10 minutes until her group members came and Mila also came. Mila went towards my direction and Alison bid goodbye. Alison greeted Mila and turned to me, 'Well, it is really nice talking to you. Can't believe that we have a lot of common between us and you should really join our department's club. It is really fun!'

I nodded and smiled, 'Yes. It is really great to have a chat with you and I will have a think about joining the psychology club.'

Mila stood right beside me since she was one of my group members. I wondered when Kathy and Jeremy will arrive. I felt a bit awkward standing beside Mila and not talking to her. She looked at me, clearing her throat and said, 'Good morning, Alice. How are you doing?' I gave her an awkward smile and replied, 'Yeah, morning. I am doing well. How are you?' She nodded, breaking eye contact with me, 'Yeah, I'm fine too.'

It was such an awkward silence and I didn't know what am I supposed to do with Mila. I was not sure if I was comfortable enough to initiate conversation with her just like we did back in our middle school days. I guessed something cannot be change. My memories of her in the past cannot be change and it will take time for me to accept all of her doings to me.

"Where on earth are Kathy and Jeremy?" I said to myself, while looking at my phone.

A few minutes later, I heard someone called my name. I looked up and saw Kathy and Jeremy ran towards my direction. "Alice! Oh, Mila's here too!" Kathy shouts, ran towards us. "Hmm. Why are you guys so late?" I ask, sulkily. Jeremy rolled his eyes and said, 'Stop pouting your lips. You look ugly doing that. And we're late because of this one.' I looked at Kathy and saw her pouted. Kathy replied, 'Okay. Fine. Sorry, guys. I woke up late and have to put on my makeup perfectly. You know, how I like makeup.'

Jeremy cooed at her and pinched her cheeks, 'Yes, I accept your apology since you are so cute.' I pretended to vomit, sick of their sweetness and PDA. Jeremy was about to make a nasty comment but he was interrupted by Professor Adam's announcement.

"Good morning, students. Let's gather here according to your group numbers and members. Team leaders, can you please come up here. I will give you a map and the timeline of today's field trip." Professor Adam said.

I walked towards the professor and took the leaflet of today's field trip. I walked back to my group members and discuss our plan for the field trip.

"Okay, guys. So here's the timeline of the field trip. We will head towards the therapy center at 9.00 am and will spend there for about 1 hour and a half. Then, we will be going to the children's hospital and will have our lunch break there. We will have an hour of lunch break. We can go explore the city or just grab our lunch at the hospital. Then lastly, we will go to the park and do a fund raising and spread awareness for Autism since Autism day is in two months. We will head home at 5.00 pm. Is everything clear?" I asked.

"Yes, boss. Crystal clear." Kathy and Jeremy said.

"Yes, I understand." Mila said.

I smiled at them and walked towards the bus together with my group members. I sat next to Kathy while Jeremy sat next to Tom. At the bottom of my heart, I did feel a bit bad as I see Mila sat by herself in the bus. However, I brushed it off as I remembered how she used to do that during our middle school field trip. I was trying to be as nice as I can to her. Forgive but never forget. All these pain that we faced will make us stronger, I guess.

The journey to the therapy center took about an hour and I actually fell asleep during that one hour. Kathy woke me up and said, 'Wake up, sleepy head. You slept like a log.' I rubbed my eyes and looked at her dazed. Kathy shook her head and grabbed my arm to head out of the bus. I looked at my phone and saw a text from Aaron.

"Hey darling. Have fun at the therapy center. I hope there is enough time and we can see each other during lunch time."

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