Chapter 10

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Shaya was in her room, she is putting things in a boxes for her family and friends at home. She has some pictures and some candy for her dad and little brother along with a latter saying that she miss them.
And for her next box was just candy for her friends.
She sents them to the mail post and went back to her room because it is almost night time. She put her pajamas on and went to bed.

Shaya was sitting at a table for breakfast and then Pallaton sits down. "Hey." He said to her. "Hey." Shaya replied back. "So, how is your day so far." He asked her. "Good." She said.
"Shaya I have something I want to asked you." Pallaton said to her. Shaya looked at him with a confused look on her face. "I want to tell you, will you go out with me." he asked with a small smile on his face. Shaya eyes widened when she heard that.
Then she replied her answer with a smile. "Yes, I would love to."
"Great, I will see you this afternoon for lunch." Pallaton said happily and left.
Shaya was still shocked on what's just happened.
She gets up and went to find Evie. When she finally finds Evie talking to Lonnie. When Evie saw Shaya. Evie and Lonnie both said. "Hey, Shaya how are you."
Then Shaya told them. "Pallaton asked me to go on a date." Both Of Evie and Lonnie squealed, when they heard that.
And then they grabbed  Shaya and dragged her to her room. To get dressed for her date.
It took them an hour to find her an outfit
After they were all done, they showed herself in the mirror on what she looks like.

It took them an hour to find her an outfit After they were all done, they showed herself in the mirror on what she looks like

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Then Shaya said. "I looked beautiful. Thanks you guys."
"Your welcome." Both Evie and Lonnie said at the same time.
In the forest

Shaya and Pallaton were walking through the forest. "So, do you have any siblings." Shaya asked Pallaton. He shakes his head and told her. "No, I am the only child." And he looked at her and asked. "Do you." She nodded her head and said. "Yes, my little brother, he is four years old and his name is Shane." Pallaton look at Shaya and he could tell that she is missing her family.
After a few minutes they finally arrived at their destination. "So, here we are." Pallaton told her. Shaya eyes widened when she saw the picnic.

 Shaya eyes widened when she saw the picnic

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Wow, this looks great." Shaya told Pallaton. They both sat down and started eating. Shaya was eating an apple and Pallaton was eating some grapes. "So, this or time on eating an Apple." Pallaton asked her. Shaya looked at him and nodded her head. "Yes, we don't have fresh foods back on the isle." She told him. Pallaton nodded his head a bit sad, when he heard that.
After they were done eating.
They got up and started to look at each other. "Thanks for the date." Shaya told him. He gave her a smile and said. "Your welcome."
They leaned in more and more intell they kissed

" They leaned in more and more intell they kissed

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.
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