Forest Boy

45 2 0

(Everyone is now the age of 12)

(TW: Stomach upsetting topics, neon pink blood, vivid descriptions of mangled corpses, v0m1t, nude minors(not explicitly explained), non-sexual contact)

Author's POV

"Kaito?" I called.

Right in front of me, the young boy materialized, looking quite tired.

"Hmm? What do you need? I was trying to sleep...It's like...3:28A.M..." He groaned, wiping to drool on the side of his mouth.

"Oh shoot, sorry, Momo. I forgot Japan is 13 hours ahead-." 

"It's good. Anyways, seriously, get to the point."

I nodded, and began strangely. 

"So...Have I ever asked for help with the storyline before...?" I muttered.

He was close enough to hear it, and shook his head.

"Not that I remember. Are you trying to imply that you need help with the story?" He tilted his head, a smile starting to form.

I sighed, and nodded in defeat, my original plan not at all consisting him figuring out that I was out of ideas.

"You know how you have that list of characters, and you cross off each and every character Maki and Kokichi meet along their lives?" Kaito asked, his smile now smaller.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"It's written that Gonta is off limits, and you've explained to me once about how it was because he was lost in the forest or something, right?" He continued.

I nodded.

"What if you continue what you did last chapter, and make it so that while they're on the island, instead of just finding a quick way through Nagito's luck out of there, they meet Gonta while trying to survive?"

"...(f word+ing) genius." I said, now grinning.

"Hey, it's what I do!" Kaito smiled.

"No, you're usually the idiot background character, not gonna lie."

"That's because you ask me to act like it-"

"I mean, it's not because I hate you, and want you to stay out of the way...It's more for personal reasons that I want you to stay out of the direct spotlight." 

"...Okay, can I go back to sleep now?"

"Sure, okay. Bye, and thanks!" I waved to him, and then he dissolved into small particles.

"Now...Time to get this show on my imaginary road called Brain Drive...or Physce Taxi, I really am too tired at this point to care."


3rd Person POV

So, Nagito and Hajime were trapped on an island for the second time in their lives.

"This brings back bad memories, but at least there are no palm trees.." Hajime muttered.

"Oh, there's a groove of them back there if you want to s-"

"Shut up, Nagito."

"Come on! Gonta see people! Gonta can make new friends!" A childish voice called out.

A growling was heard right after, and Nagito laughed.

"Ah, it looks like someone does inhabit this island, after all!" 

A young boy with matted green hair and bright red eyes walked out of the bushes. His build was large for a child such as himself, and he looked like a gentleman.

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