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2 years later.

"Happy Birthday to you." They all sang happily, today Kaylee turned 5 years and she's excited.

Harry held her birthday party at the local park and she invited all her friends from kindergarden.

"Daddy! Daddy! Can I go bouncy now?" She asked jumping excitedly.

"Sure love just be careful for daddy okay?"

"Yes Kaylee be careful for daddy. Love you daddy!" She yelled running off to the bouncy castle with some of her friends.

Mikayla was a social butterful, her charming, kind and talkative personality just caused her to attract a lot of friends.

She was basically friends with her entire class. She is just like her daddy. Friendly, kind, charming, and talkative. And she also has his looks, she's a very pretty little girl.

Harry just stood by the benches looking at his daughter from afar with a smile on lips.

"She's such a cutie." Harry flinched, startled by the sudden interuption from his thoughts.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you. Jennessa, Jaime's mom." She introduced herself.

"Oh hi. How are you."(a/n: i laughed editing this sentence....typos are a bitch...this sentence said..... Hoe are you?.....LMFAO🤣🤣.....Sorry for the interupion, do continue reading.)

"I'm fine. Your daughter's a really nice and friendly child."

"Thanks." He smiled.

"Daddy, look what I got you." She came running towards him with a wild purple flower she picked.

"It's pretty baby, thanks." He crouched down to her level and kissed her forehead.

He looked her in the eyes, "Oh, my baby's getting so big." He said with teary eyes and hugged her tightly.

"You're killing me daddy!" She mumbled out, Harry squeezing the life out of her.

He pecked her forehead. "Sorry love. Daddy loves you baby."

"And Kaylee loves you." She said mirroring his dimpled


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