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Harry pov

I sat in the cell in the police station pouting. Who is coming to get me and why are they taking so long.

Then one of the female officers came and opened the gate for me. "Your ride's here love, don't worry I understand your situation, you weren't in the wrong, she hit first." She said and I just nodded so ready to get out of this place.

Apparently my ride was waiting for me outside. I exited the building and Zayn was standing by his car smoking, wait when did he start smoking. Oh whatever, not like I care anyway.

"What the fuck is your problem Harreh? Why would you just randomly pick a fight with my girlfriend?"

Well I see her stupid friends gave him the wrong info. Whatever, I don't have to answer him anyway.

I kept quiet and walked over to the car ready to open the door and get out of here when he stopped me.

"Oh no you don't, I asked you a question Harreh answer it." He growled.

"Let go of me Zayn you're hurting me." He didn't even flinch, squeezing my hand harder.

"Why would you hurt Gigi like that? What did she ever do to you?" He yelled and pushed me against the car.

I groaned a bit, shit, that hurt my already aching back.

"Ahhh...what the fuck Zayn? You're hurting me."

"Well maybe you deserve it after what you did to Gigi. You fucking fractured her jaw."

"Well maybe I should have punched her harder to re-arrange it better. She might be pretty all now." I rolled my eyes.

"What did you just say?" He spat

"Let me spell it out to you. Your girlfriend is a dumb ugly bitch and may be if I'd punch her harder, she'd be pretty-"

What is with people and slapping me today. Fuck that hurt, great now my lip's bleeding.

I spat out the blood. I've had enough of this shit.

I kicked him in his dick and he dropped to the ground groaning.

"Your stupid bitch of a girlfriend hit me first okay. So before you start accusing me of things, get your information correct."

I groaned and pulled at my hair, I didn't even realise I was crying till now.

"Great now I'm fucking crying." I sniffled. "I'm done....I'm done Zayn....I'm fucking done. I did nothing to you or your stupid girlfriend yet you guys hit me. You fucking hit me, why are you so cruel to me in the first place, I'm carrying your fucking daughter if you forgot."

"It's a girl" he mumbled dumbly.

"Yeah, it's a girl and you're a pathetic waste of space of a father and she isn't even born yet. You disgust me." I said then punched him in the jaw and walked away.

Fuck I think my hand's actually broken now, all that punching I'm doing today.

Great, now I'm tired, hungry and alone walking home. I think I'll just call an uber.

You go baby! I support you being a badass😘😘

That was a bit....dramatic.....how was it?

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