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3 years later

Harry pov

"Mikayla Kennedy Malik, can you please come here!" I yelled after the running toddler. She is such an energy ball, it's like she never gets tired.

I'm suppose to be getting her dressed for her first day of kindergarden/pre-school which seems to be a struggle.

"Kaylee come on baby, Pappy's gonna be here soon to come get you."

She stopped spinning around, "Really! Pappy come get me?" She asked excitedly.

She really loves Yaser and loves spending time with him. He's literally the only father figure she's ever known, well besides me.

"Yes baby, so you gotta get dressed. You're gonna make new friends there."

She started jumping and clapping, clearly excited.

"Is daddy coming?"

"No baby, I can't come with you, daddy has school." She looked sad pouting cutely.

"But we can have ice-cream later, if you be a good girl for daddy and pappy, let's get you dressed."

I guess it's my fault she has a sweet tooth, I started her since in the womb.

"Coming!" I yelled out, I bet that's Yaser.

"Get your shoes babygirl, I'm gonna get the door." She nodded running off to go get her shoes.

"Careful baby, no running in the house!" I called after her doubting she heard me.

"Hey Uncle." I greeted welcoming him inside, "She's almost finished, just getting her shoes."

"That's fine." He stopped me from walking off, resting his hands on my shoulders, "I wanna know how you are?"

"Oh, I'm fine, Kaylee's happy and starting school so I'm fine." I said smiling.

"I asked about you son not Kaylee. How are you?"

"Like I said, I'm fine." I smiled and went to Kaylee's room to get her.

"What are you doing love, Pappy's here for you, you're gonna be late baby."

She pouted, "I can't choose which shoe, I wanna wear all."

"You can't love, how 'bout you wear these now and those for when we go to the park later." I proposed.

"We're going to the park?" She asked excited.

"Yes love now come on Pappy's waiting for you." She literally skipped down the stairs.

"Pappy! Pappy! Daddy carry me park!" She said excited.

"Really, that's great honey. Are you ready for school." She nodded.

I kissed her forehead, "Bye baby, have a good day at school, make friends okay. Daddy's gonna miss you so much." I sniffled.

Great now I'm crying.

"Don't cry daddy, Kaylee loves you, Pappy loves you, and Kaylee come back."

"Daddy loves you to baby, bye love."

And she was gone, on her way to kindergarden. Guess that just leaves me to finish getting dressed and to college.

I'm currently attending community college, almost finish having one more year there.


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