Snarry Cuddles (Fem!Harry x Snape)

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The crackling of the embers from the glowing fireplace was the only sound in the room.

The stone walls held a foreboding chill but that didn't calm the waves of heat that flushed through Harriet Potter's body as she lay, writhing and unconscious, amongst the linen sheets that covered the bed.

Remaining an acceptable distance away, Severus Snape sat in a chair and stared at her scrutinizingly with a dark glare.

For a man so intelligent, there were many things that Severus didn't understand.

Severus didn't understand why Harriet had jumped in front of him to take Nagini's bite there in the Shrieking Shack.

Severus didn't understand why her dying and resurrection hadn't countered the poison, though he had a hunch that it slowed its effects enough to allow her the time needed to receive treatment.

And Severus definitely didn't understand the strange emotions he had started to feel towards the red-headed, green-eyed Potter girl ever since she had blossomed into womanhood.

Or, perhaps he did and he chose to ignore the truth.

Months had passed since the explosive, shuddering conclusion of the war and during that time, Severus had appointed himself as Harriet's personal caretaker. His hours at her side were interrupted only when his duties as headmaster could not be ignored.

Harriet had plenty of friends who were willing to step in and sit with her, but it bothered Severus whenever they had to be apart.

Severus held an irrational belief that as Harriet's protector, as long as he was watching over her, she was safe from harm.

That wasn't true.

Harriet had survived the bite of Severus's dark master's snake, but not without consequence.

Severus vigilantly administered medication after medication to Harriet but Nagini's poison was not one from which a person easily recovered.

On bad days, Harriet slept for hours, shivering and sweating with fever.

On good days, she was strong enough to eat and chat.

Severus carried her to the lavatory himself.

Severus bathed her himself, letting the Granger girl take over only on the few occasions when he had a busy schedule for the day.

Classes had not resumed since the war. Most of Severus's current tasks concerned decisions regarding the reconstruction of the damaged castle.

Harriet's speech was somewhat limited still, but for some reason, Severus couldn't escape the feeling that they were........


No, that was ridiculous.

He was letting his imagination run wild, that was all.

From his chair across the room, Severus narrowed his eyes as Harriet whimpered suddenly and turned in her sleep, furrowing her brow as something unpleasant appeared in her mind.

Severus was instantly up and on his feet, gliding over to his struggling charge.

The nightmares that Harriet had before the attack were bad enough, but once they were coupled with the psychological effects of the poison, Severus wasn't certain how Harriet had avoided being driven mad

That was one reason why he liked to sit with her.

He enjoyed being the one that liberated her from that mental void of paralyzing terror when she fell into its trap.

Harriet spasmed in bed and her head flew back as she grit her teeth.

Severus frowned as he bent over her, his black robes hanging down elegantly around his sides.

"Potter....." Severus drawled.

Harriet sucked in a breath and turned her head, her eyes still tightly shut.

"Potter....." Severus firmly called again.

Harriet's chest began to heave as her breath grew labored.

"Potter!" Severus snapped, laying a hand on her shoulder and waking her with one, violent shake.

Harriet gasped as her green eyes instantly opened and she found herself staring up at Severus.

Severus frowned as he waited for it, what would inevitably come, what always came after those horrid dreams.....

Harriet began to sniff and then her chest heaved again as heavy, fat tears welled in her eyes.

Even for one as stony and stoic as Severus, the desperation with which Harriet started to sob made his face twist into a scowl.

Severus tried to calm Harriet as he bent down to tuck the sheets around her more tightly, "Potter, there's no need to weep. You're safe, whatever you've seen is only-"

Severus's black eyes widened as Harriet sat bolt upright in bed and threw her arms around him suddenly to pull him in close.

Harriet laid her head on Severus's shoulder but he bristled at the contact.

Severus Snape didn't have much cuddling experience.

Regardless, Harriet seemed intent on teaching him. He gently tried to pull away but every motion that he made caused Harriet to cling to him even more tightly.

Slowly, cautiously, Severus raised his hands and placed them respectfully on Harriet's back, right underneath her shoulder blades.

He soon discovered that was a mistake.

To his gleeful dismay, Harriet wrestled Severus down into the bed with her.

"Potter, this can't....." Severus said in protest as he sat back against the headboard, refusing to lie down.

He had his shoes on.

Was she trying to ruin her clean sheets?

Severus blinked as Harriet lifted one of his arms and nestled against him, seemingly content to stay there.

"Potter...." Severus called in a low, worried purr as a Harriet yawned and closed her eyes.

In response, Harriet laid a hand on his chest, over the tight, black buttons of his robes, and yawned.

Severus began a feeble attempt to pry her off, but the second his fingers touched the back of her hand, he found himself drawn into her mind without his consent.

There was a house and a lawn.......

And two children playing in the grass.....

And Harriet was there, with her gentle smile, pouring tea into a cup as she stood in front of someone who sat on the patio.....

In his vision, Severus watched Harriet move over and to his shock, he saw....

He saw.....

He saw himself sitting there, on the patio.

Harriet leaned down and gave him a loving kiss as her red hair tumbled over her shoulders.......

.......And then the vision ended.

Severus was abruptly back in his room at Hogwarts, with Harriet dozing on his chest.

He felt himself tremble involuntarily.

Like most people, Harriet had never mastered legilimency or occlumency.

That meant, for her to communicate such a clear message.......she could only do so with the one destined for her.

After he took a moment of quiet contemplation, Severus clutched Harriet against him and dared to kiss the top of her head.

Perhaps.........perhaps one day, he may end up acknowledging those feelings he held for the Potter girl after all.

That certainly seemed to be her desire~.

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