the hounds of war

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Nothing was said in the convoy. Nobody knew what to say. Mt. Weather was destroyed. Friends, family, and comrades, were wiped off the face of the Earth. A loss this big hadn't been felt since the surviving stations learned of the disastrous reentry of most of the Ark. Still, the heaviest silence came from their leader. Drake Knight had not said a word since he and Charlotte had returned. It was on Charlotte's orders that they packed up and drove off and it was she who informed them what had happened. Perhaps what was scarier than the silence was the question what would happen next?


Drake watched silently as they arrived. The long drive was filled with passing trees. Charlotte held onto his hand much to his appreciation. Over the last couple of months Charlotte had looked up to Anya, as a teacher, as a friend, and most a mother figure. Besides Clarke, Raven and himself, she was probably taking her loss the hardest. Now as they passed the large gate he still didn't know what to do. People were crying and hugging each other in the street and some were lashing out violently only to be snuffed out by the local guards. It was chaos. For the first time in a long time Drake remembered how small he really was. The truck came to a stop and Charlotte opened the door and held it open for him. Numbly he climbed out and was immediately set upon by Raven and Clarke. Their voices overlapped and seemed to mimic the chaos around them and for the dying embers in his stomach fanned into flames.

"ENOUGH!" Drake shouted out and somehow his voice carried over the waves of chaos and to his surprise many of inhabitants stopped what they were doing and looked at their young leader. "Calm down! Do your jobs! Anyone not necessary to emergency services go home! Anyone causing crime, trouble, or fucking mischief will be sentenced to hard labor. This is not the time to fall apart. Get. To. Work!" He ordered and with that slowly order began to be restored.

"Drake." Clarke called out hesitantly.

"I'm glad you're okay. Both of you." Drake said as he grabbed the two into a hug and held them closely.

"We are too." Raven said in a wavering voice. "Drake-there was so much blood." She whimpered as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Where is she?" Drake asked solemnly.

"Clarke! We need you over here!" Abby's tired voice called out and Clarke looked hesitantly at the triage.

"Go and help. We'll find time later." Drake half ordered and Clarke nodded before she leaned forward and kissed his lips before running off.

"I'll take you too her." Raven whispered and Drake nodded as she led him into the corridors of Alpha Station with Charlotte trailing behind.

***The Morgue***

The morgue was actually a renovated cooling chamber for the super computers. When they broke down the Arkers had cannibalized every bit of scrap they could and left the cooling chamber for the rare body that was to be preserved so that loved ones could say goodbye. In this room Drake and Raven held each other and watched as Charlotte laid a small wooden symbol of the Skaikru onto Anya's body. She didn't say a word and only nodded as she turned and walked out of the room.

"Raven...I'd like a moment alone." Drake said softly and Raven nodded in understanding.

Drake listened carefully as he heard the doors closed behind his paramour. Without realizing it he had already walked closer to the table where Anya's body laid. Her armor and rough clothing had been stripped away and her face and body had been cleaned and covered by a white sheet to protect her modesty. It seemed strange to see her lay so still. Her eyes didn't move from beneath her eye lids. Her chest didn't move in time with her breathing. He waited for her to open her eyes only to realize they'd never open again. With a gentleness he only exhibited around his lovers he lifted her into his arms and buried his face in her hair as he began cry with great sobs that shook his body. He didn't know how long he held onto her but when the tears stopped he laid her gently down onto the table again and began brushing her hair out of her face.

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