shock and awe

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Charlotte stalked quietly forward at her quarry and swiftly ducked behind a tree. Drake had trained her for this. She was no longer that scared girl who woke up screaming every night. She was now a hunter of men and she thanked Drake every day for it. Swiftly she nock her bow and aimed before letting loose sending the first arrow flying and before it landed the second arrow was already on its way followed shortly by a third. To her it was like shooting targets and she continued firing and moving until her enemies fell limply to the ground covered in multiple arrows. She finally broke from her cover and approached the last man still struggling for breath.

These men were twisted figures and she had been tracking them since yesterday after she had found that Lincoln's group had been ambushed. Of the ten that had gone with Lincoln only five remained. Their heads covered in bags and they were tied to a log that weighed heavily on their shoulders. A weak hand grasping at her ankle broke her out of her thoughts and the dying Grounder whispered something. Cautiously she leaned down next to the deformed warrior.

"Kill me." The man said and Charlotte happily obliged as she pulled a knife from the small of her back and jammed it through the man's ear.

This was quicker than bleeding out. Drake had taught her that. She swiftly turned toward the 100 who staggered to keep the log up.

"It's okay. You're safe now." Charlotte whispered but the surviving 100 heard it and quickly urged the young girl to cut them loose.

It wasn't long before she had fulfilled their desire for freedom by cutting their rope binds and with a grunt of effort the five survivors threw the log off their shoulders before sagging gratefully to the ground. All of them tore off the bags over their heads and breathed fresh unblocked air for the first time since their capture. Charlotte found Atom among the faces and he nodded gratefully toward her and she responded hesitantly. To her surprise Octavia and Lincoln were not with them.

"Where is Octavia and Lincoln?" Charlotte asked.

"Lincoln...was put with another group and set another route. Octavia managed to escape." Atom explained.

"Drake lives. His orders are to return to the Drop Ship. Can you find the way?" Charlotte asked and a few of the survivors nodded. "Good. I'll find Octavia." Charlotte said as she sprinted away following their point of origin leaving the survivors to make their own way back to camp.

***Camp Jaha***

Kane approached softly but Raven heard him anyway and turned around in her chair.

"Councilor Kane. What can I do you for?" Raven asked as she fiddled with something in her hands.

"I just thought you'd need some food." Kane said as he lowered a makeshift plate of freshly grilled meat from the morning's hunting party kill.

Say what you will about the 100 but they were good at hunting, something that Kane had found out first hand as he watched two 100 boys easily kill a boar twice their size. The meat was...something to get used to but he had never tasted anything like it before and it felt good to eat something other than a flavored tablet.

"Thanks. You can just set it over there." Raven said dismissively as she placed what she was working on, on the table and looked up at Kane with surprisingly mature eyes. "Now what are you really here for?" Raven asked and Kane found himself taking a step back in shock before composing himself.

"I need to know more about the Grounders. How they move, how they think, their tactics and how they fight." Kane said bluntly and Raven smirked.

"There are plenty other of people that you can ask." Raven said off handedly as she stood up and grabbed the plate from where Kane had placed it on the table.

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