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Drake woke to the sound of work being done outside of the Drop Ship. He looked around the area and found that besides an unconscious Finn, Raven who was manning the radio, and a sleeping Clarke everyone was gone. With a few careful movements he positioned Clarke so that she wouldn't fall over when he moved. Now extracted from her embrace he quickly dressed himself in his now dry clothes and sighed. The air was cold and he already missed Clarke's body pressed against his but he had a promise to fulfil. With some difficulty he walked over to the ladder and climbed up the metal rungs. Carefully he pushed the hatch opened before climbing up to see the Grounder was awake along with a guard that Miller had stationed there.

"Fallon, you're relieved." Drake ordered the half sleeping guard and the boy nodded gratefully before heading down the ladder as Drake turned his attention back to the Grounder. "It's time to go. I promised you that you'd leave safely and that's what I plan to do." Drake said as he untied the last knot letting the Grounder lower his arms for the first time since they tied him up.

The Grounder rubbed his arms to get feeling back in them as Drake picked up his pack and handed it to him.

"Follow me." Drake said simply as he climbed down the ladder with the Grounder closely after him.

As they reached the bottom Drake found Raven waiting for him with her arms crossed and a stern look on her face.

"Why is he free? Where is he going?" Raven demanded.

"Finn made it through the night and I promised the Grounder that I'd let him go if he did." Drake answered calmly. "As for where he is going that's up to him but he will be walking out the gate. Now." Drake said firmly as he stepped closer to Raven.

"After what he did to Finn you're just going to let him walk!" She whispered angrily.

"Finn rushed into the man's home without permission. What he did was wrong and he got what he deserved. I know that's not what you want to hear right now but it's the truth. Now he helped Finn. He didn't have to and Finn is recovering. As far as I'm concerned that makes us even." Drake explained only for Raven to shake her head.

"Drake, I don't like this." Raven said softly.

"You don't have to like it. You don't even have to like me, but while you are down here in this camp you will respect and abide by my orders and you will respect me." Drake said dangerously and for the first time Raven saw the rumors come to life as he glared at her and she was dimly aware that he could break her if he so desired.

"You're right...sorry." Raven said demurely as she folded from his gaze and walked away.

"Let's go." Drake said after a few seconds of silence and led the Grounder toward the damage gates that had been forced open by the gale force winds from last night.

The 100 stopped working as they watched their leader lead a free Grounder toward the gates. No one said a word despite the uneasiness that filled their minds but they refrained from doing anything without the direction of Drake himself. Finally they reached the gate and Drake paused and looked at the Grounder.

"I would like to have a meeting with your leader. There are matters we should talk about. I know that things are stirring and if possible I'd like to end it before it even begins. If you are able to arrange something I would be grateful." Drake said softly so that only the two of them could hear and the Grounder looked thoughtful for a second and nodded.

"If I can, I will let you know." The Grounder promised and was surprised as Drake held out a hand.

"It's a little late but I'm Drake Knight." Drake formally introduced himself and the Grounder took his hand.

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