touching sparks

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When Drake opened his eyes he saw an alien ceiling hanging over him as memories of last night came back to settle over his hazy mind. Tiredly he tried to move only to find his chest heavier than he remembered and he looked down to see a halo of blonde hair spill over his body and attached to the blonde hair was a head that belonged to a girl named Clarke who had draped herself over Drake after they had both fallen asleep in the Drop Ship.

Carefully Drake inspected the sleeping blonde. It was rare that he ever saw her in a relaxed setting as normally she had too much on her mind or was busy doing something or other. While the situation was unexpected and awkward for him it wasn't entirely unwelcome. Drake enjoyed her warmth and the feeling of her body against his and it satisfied a dark secret that Drake had taken pains to hide from the light.

Drake was in love with Clarke. Always had been and he suspected a part of him always would be. However, he already known that Wells and Clarke had a thing going. They were hiding it in plain sight but Drake could immediately spot the soft glances they would send to each other or noticed how when they walked their hands grazed each other far too many times to be a coincidence. It was strange to him that they had never said anything to their parents or to their friends but Drake couldn't judge. He had his secrets as well and so he let them be and he shut those feelings into a dark room. Now though, the long quiet feelings he had locked away were scratching at the doors of his mind and he felt something in his chest beat a little harder as he looked at the sleeping beauty.

"Clarke." He whispered trying to rouse the sleeping blonde to no avail. "Clarke wake up." He said a little louder as he gently shook her arm which earned him a cranky groan as Clarke raised her head finally.

"What?" She asked tiredly as she moved her left hand over his stomach and up to his chest which elicited a soft gasp from Drake and he found his heart rate had jumped up significantly as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes with her right hand.

"You're on me." Drake said hoping it was as calmly as what it sounded like in his head.

"What?" Clarke rasped out as she looked lazily downward over her body still pressed against his and then slowly back upward to Drake's seemingly blank face. "Shut up and be warm." Clarke said grumpily as she laid her head back down and snuggled a little closer into his chest.

Drake mentally counted in his head and as soon as he hit one, Clarke immediately jerked away from him and sat in an upright position with a startled look on her face. Quickly she looked back and forth to see where she was all the while her hands roamed her body ruffling her clothes before she slouched a little and sighed in relief.

"Wow. Is waking up next to me really that jarring?" Drake asked jokingly as he sat up and tried to stretch out the knots that had formed overnight.

"Just-what-do-food." Clarke said trying to saying everything on her mind before settling on that simple notion. "I'm going to get food." And with that she stood up and exited the Drop Ship leaving Drake alone with a still sleeping Charlotte.

"That...could have gone better. Or worse. Definitely worse." Drake muttered to himself as he inspected Charlotte's back, slowly a thought came to mind and he too exited the Drop Ship in search of water, a bucket, and some stones.

For Clarke she watched as Drake stepped out of the Drop Ship and walk toward the rain collectors. Mechanically she ate her food and didn't even realize that Finn had sat down across from her. Her mind simply replayed the memories of her waking up next to Drake and she couldn't help but feel echoes of his presence and warmth still ringing out through her body.

"Clarke." Finn said worriedly and she shook herself as she snapped back into reality.

"What? Yes?" Clarke asked as she looked up at Finn who was looking a bit rough as she saw Drake's handy work on his face.

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