Of hope and changes

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"Three hours huh?" Jenkins asked to no one was he flipped his wrench in his hands.

"Three hours huh?" Jenkins asked to no one was he flipped his wrench in his hands.

"How long are we going to wait?" Miller asked without turning away from scanning the environment.

"We're running out of time. We can't wait much longer." Monty warned Bellamy.

"At least it's daylight." Jasper said with a slight frown as he spotted some movement in the brush.

"The next thing I do to this baby is upgrade it so it can get over obstacles like this." Jenkins promised himself.

"That would be nice." Bellamy finally said as he shook his head. "We can't waste our bullets firing at nothing and we can't run away with the Rover." He said with a grimace.

"So what's the plan? We go on foot?" Miller asked causing Bellamy to shake his head.

"We'll be picked off one by one." Bellamy frowned.

"Surrender? To the Azgeda?" Jasper said with disgust.

"We don't even know if they're Azgeda." Miller retorted. "Look at those bodies. They could have been a rival clan or something. Hell, might even be Reapers." He said as he looked away for a moment at Jenkins who shook his head.

"The Reapers aren't this smart. Ambushes yes, but traps that require this much brain power? No. No, it has to be someone that hates the Azgeda." Jenkins reasoned.

"Well if they hate the Azgeda...maybe we're not so different." Bellamy said as he unslung his rifle off his shoulder and laid it on the seat next to him.

"What are you doing?" Miller whispered harshly.

"Going to see if we can sort this out. I'll give the usual signal to fire." Bellamy said as he opened the side door quickly and hopped out while the others slammed the door behind him.

"Alright Bellamy, let's hope this doesn't kill you."

"Let's talk." Bellamy shouted out to the surrounding forest only for silence to greet him. "We're looking for our people. Skaikru....Arkers...Farm Station." He spoke once more only for silence to greet him.

Suddenly eight figures erupted seemingly from the ground itself.

"Who are you?" A rough voice called out and although heavily muffled by the rags around his face Bellamy could tell he was the leader.

"Bellamy Blake. Scout Team 1." Bellamy announced and the eight people in front of him began to look at each other.

"Bellamy..." The leader spoke before removing his hood revealing a dark skinned man with a bald head sporting a black and grey goatee.

"Mr. Pike?" Bellamy said as a look of recognition fell on his face. "Holy shit." The two looked at each other before stepping forward and embracing each other.

For Bellamy, who never knew his father, Charles Pike was a surrogate father figure. This applied to many of the children on the Ark especially to those who had lost a parent due to sickness or through other means. He was fair and took his job as a teacher seriously and always had time for any kid who needed help. Bellamy respected him and it was good to see his old teacher on the ground. The two broke off their embrace as the door opened and his team stepped out of the Rover.

"Farm Station stand down." Pike ordered the others who Bellamy assumed were survivors of Farm Station and many lowered their weapons and pulled down their hoods.

"Mom?" Monty whispered as a familiar shock of thick dark hair was revealed.

"Monty?" Hannah whispered as she looked at the mature face on her son.

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