It's nothing

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Drake woke up with a deep breath and opened his eyes to see Clarke's back facing him. Carefully he leaned closer and kissed her bare shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her waist. The move earned him a happy groan as Clarke tiredly shimmied back against him and pulled his arm tighter around her body. It had been a pretty amazing week since the storm. The 100 were functioning at peak capacity, the food and furs were coming in every day, and for once there were no major emergencies. The only caveat was the actions of one Finn Collins. And as the troubled older boy crossed Drake's mind he felt Clarke's sharp canines bite into his arm.

"Ow...what?" Drake whispered as Clarke released him.

"I can tell when something's bothering you." Clarke said tiredly. "You always tense up." Clarke admonished.

"Sorry." Drake said as Clarke kissed the spot she bit him.

"Didn't we agree no thinking of bad stuff in the morning?" Clarke asked as she looked over her shoulder and fixed him with a scolding gaze. "It's Finn isn't it?" Clarke asked and Drake could do nothing but nod his head.

Since Finn could walk he had been making regular visits to Jasper's Still and getting more than enough to drink. It had started after he had found out that Clarke had told Drake about the bunker. Drake of course ordered a large amount of the 100 to salvage whatever they could and bring it back. Needless to say Finn was upset and knowing he could do nothing turned to drinking and it became a routine. If he wasn't scouting he was drinking and if he wasn't drinking he was scouting, albeit it when he could still walk straight. His ever increasing bad attitude was starting to affect the 100 and slowly it seemed everyone had begun to turn their backs on him. Drake ordered Jasper to cut off the supply but it seemed Finn had a stash somewhere and would continue regardless. The only one who still stood by his side was Raven and even then she spent most of her time working on the radio and upgrading it. If not that, she would be in the training area learning to fight, or talking with Drake and Clarke who had become close friends to her. It was a pile of gunpowder waiting for a spark and every one was concerned.

"If he doesn't regain some control soon I'll have to punish him." Drake said as Clarke turned over and rested her head on his chest. "He'll become an example." He finished and although he didn't particularly like Finn he did not want to do what he had in mind.

"I'm sorry. This is my fault." Clarke whispered and Drake leaned down and kissed the top of her head as his hand slowly ran through her hair.

"No. It's not. Finn is responsible for what he does." Drake assured her before he sighed. "Enough of that. Come on. We got a busy day." He said as he sat up and pulled the blanket off of them much to Clarke's chagrin.

"Do we have to?" She whined as she shivered against the cold air.

"Come on." Drake said smiling as he tossed some clothes at her and put on his own. "Today's the first time you'll use the video feed so look nice." He joked and Clarke pulled the shirt over her head and frowned.

"Aren't you going to talk to the Council?" Clarke asked and Drake shrugged apologetically.

"Charlotte's ready to be taken on the hunt. She's been begging me to take her and I think she's ready." Drake said with a grin and Clarke sighed before nodding.

"Fine. I'll deal with the Council. But you owe me." Clarke said begrudgingly as she stood up.

"Do I now?" Drake asked with a smirk.

"I'll figure something out. Probably something later tonight." Clarke said teasingly and Drake kissed her.

"I look forward to it." Drake said as he pulled back and Clarke smiled as she grabbed his shoulders and faced him toward the exit.

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