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"Easy Drake." A familiar voice called out and Drake opened his eyes to see his right hand had grabbed someone's wrist and he looked up to see the smiling face of Atom.

"Atom, what are you doing here?" Drake asked as he released the boy's wrist and relaxed once more into his bed.

"Just brought you some food. Healing makes you hungry, huh, I should know." Atom said as he placed a steaming bowl on a small table near his bed.

"Have a seat. Make yourself at home." Drake groaned as he pushed himself up with his good hand.

With a grateful nod Atom hobbled over to a stool and sat heavily down on it. Since his injury Atom had healed up nicely. Although his ankle pained him during rainy and cold weather he could walk without the need for crutches. Drake made to take the bowl with his left arm but cringed as it seemed just a mass of fire and pain. Instead he reached over and took the bowl with his right and brought it into his lap.

"Who cooked today?" Drake asked as he took a spoonful and sniffed at it.

"Holly." Atom answered before an amused smirk fell on his face as Drake's twisted into one of disgust.

"Might as well poison me." Drake mumbled and Atom chuckled.

"Hey! Take it easy now, that's my girl's cooking you're talking about." Atom said taking the insult in stride.

"Oh! Ah. Apologies." Drake said awkwardly.

"Nah. You're right, the girl can't cook for crap but it's getting better." Atom assured him and Drake chuckled.

"Well as long as she makes you happy man." Drake said and Atom smiled and nodded.

"Of course." Atom nodded and finally Drake sighed.

"Now what is it you're really here for?" Drake said seriously and Atom's features softened.

"Just checking up on you...I know that after what you suffered...it's easy to believe that you'll never make it back to what you were before." Atom said parroting the very same words Drake had told him after he had broken his ankle causing Drake to smirk.

"Those sound like very wise words but don't worry I'm good Atom." Drake mused and ate some of the soup and paused for a second, Holly had gotten better.

"I know you are Drake. I guess I just wanted to check on you myself." Miller said with a sigh and stood up before walking to the tent entrance and pulling it open. "I'll leave you two to it." Atom said to someone outside and Drake's curiosity peaked as Clarke and Raven came in.

"You two didn't have to wait outside." Drake said as Raven sat at the foot of his bed and Clarke sat his side.

Both Clarke and Raven looked nervous as they looked between each other and then back at Drake as he ate. What Clarke wanted to propose was unorthodox and dangerous. It could threaten everything between her and Drake but after Raven had kissed her it was like she saw her in a whole new light and she couldn't doubt what she felt in herself, it was the same things she felt when she was with Drake. When she saw Drake kissing Raven and Raven's reaction it was clear the girl didn't mind kissing either of them. Over the last three days they had discussed what the relationship could mean and the pros and cons of it. Both agreed the risks were great but the possible rewards...well, needless to say in the end Clarke and Raven had sealed the deal with a shy kiss and a long embrace.

"Clarke." Drake's prompting brought her out of her thoughts and she shook her head and returned to the present.

"Sorry. I-well..."Clarke drifted off and Drake moved his left arm despite the pain and laid it over Clarke's.

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