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"You should not push yourself."

Akashi grabbed the injured teen around the waist to help him hop over to the couch and sit. Kuroko slowly settled himself on the brand-new couch and winced when a pain in his abdomen flared up. Akashi noticed the flinch. "Are you in pain? Your father has the prescribed medicine for you."

"I am fine," Kuroko said. "I only need a small break right now."

The Generation of Miracles were throwing a welcoming party for Kuroko. It wasn't exactly a party, per se, but there was vanilla cake, Seirin's basketball team came, and there were decorations. Seirin had made a big deal of seeing Kuroko after what seemed like weeks (it probably was weeks, but with Kuroko's fuzzy mind, he couldn't remember). His coach had hugged him as tightly as she could without reopening his wounds, and told him she was sorry for the car accident. Kuroko, knowing this was the lie Kagami came up with, only nodded and greeted everybody politely.

The boys of Seirin didn't take Akashi too well. Then again, anybody outside the Generation of Miracles, Rakuzan and his parents didn't take the red-head well, either. Hyuuga took one look at the short captain before raising two incredulous eyebrows. "You're the crazy and possessive one from last time!"

The Generation of Miracles stopped their chatter. Movements stilled. Slowly, one by one, each colored head turned to stare at the daring captain of Seirin. Rin and Hayato gave Hyuuga a gaze of disbelief, wondering if there was any other person in the world as stupid as Hyuuga. Haru pretended not to hear anything and left to tend to his new kitchen, not wanting to be part of the soon-to-be-disaster. Everybody but Kuroko and Akashi in the room waited with bated breath. Seirin held their breath, too, feeling the sudden tense and frightening atmosphere. Kuroko scrunched his eyebrows at Hyuuga.

You will be remembered, Senpai, the injured boy thought.

Akashi and Kuroko left a groaning and moaning Hyuuga in the living room and made their way toward the stairs. The teal-haired teen hadn't been able to explore the rest of the new house, so he was going to take the opportunity to see his room.

"Tetsuya?" Haru rushed over to his son at the foot of the stairs. "Are you all right? Do you want to rest?"

"I'm fine, Otou-san," Kuroko assured him. "I want to see my room."

"Ah," his father nodded. "It's up the stairs and first door to the left. Catherine-san helped me decorate it, since I don't know how to decorate appropriately myself." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Do you want me to help you up?"

Kuroko shook his head and leaned agaist Akashi. The taller teen welcomed him. "Akashi-kun will help me. Otou-san should get back to cooking. I smell something burning."

The father widened his eyes, realizing his American dish he was trying to cook was still frying on the pan. "Oh! You're right. Akashi-kun, can you give Tetsuya his prescribed medicine once he gets to his room? It should be on the desk. He needs it at this hour." Haru turned to rush back to the kitchen where the burning arome was emitted. He didn't see the slight nod of Akashi.

"What do you think you are doing, Tetsuya?"

Kuroko froze, his good foot on the first step, while a hand held onto the railing for support. "Going to my room?"

Akashi observed him. Then shook his head. "You are not going up the stairs on your own." The red-head bent down.

Kuroko, aware at what he was about to do, immediately tried to recoil. He couldn't do much, though, because of his broken leg. "No, Akashi-kun! Don't—" He did it anyway. Akashi swooped up his partner easily and carried Kuroko in his arms. The teal-head struggled half-heartedly, knowing he wouldn't win. "Your actions are extremely dislikeable," Kuroko stated with a frown.

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