Chapter 7

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Akashi had carried Kuroko back home that night. Midorima followed closely behind, busy with talking to his captain and apologizing profusely for missing practice. Haru had been sent home, reluctantly, since he was not looking forward to meeting his wife. Seirin, who did not get an answer from neither Akashi nor Midorima, went home angrily.

Kuroko sighed in Akashi's arms; his body unconsciously moved closer to the warm chest. The red head kissed the clammy forehead.

When Shintaro opened the door, the three were greeted with the rest of the Generation of Miracles. Mursakibara, Kise, and Aomine all rushed at them, their questions jumbled together at once:

"Is Kurokocchi okay?" Kise wailed.

"Aka-chin! What happened to Kuro-chin?"

"Damn it! Of course something happens when I'm alone with Tetsu."

Akashi ignored them and walked past the tall players. They scrambled out of their way to make a path for the silent teen. Kuroko's head flopped against his shoulder. "Shintaro, please open the door," the red-head requested in front of his bedroom. Midorima obeyed. He turned the door knob and pushed open the door to the bedroom. Automatic lights turned on when they stepped in the room.

Kuroko was set under the bed covers gently. Midorima had given him a numbing ointment so that his back wouldn't bother him during the night. Akashi tucked the blankets tight under Kuroko's chin, knowing it would be a cold night. Then he ran a hand through the messy, teal hair and kissed his forehead tenderly.

Satisfied nothing would bother Kuroko (except, maybe nightmares), Akashi turned around to greet the Generation of Miracles members crowded at the entrance. "You will be quiet for tonight," he warned. "Tetsuya has had a long day, and he is not to be disturbed. All of you go to the living room. We will discuss there."

Everyone shuffled away from the red-head and turned into the living room. Only Murasakibara stayed behind with Akashi. "Aka-chin," he whispered as the said boy closed the door cautiously.

"Yes, Atsushi?"

"Can—can you make me something?" the taller mumbled. "Since my training menu was extended, I left late when I heard about Kuro-chin. I didn't get to eat. And I'm out of money to buy snacks."

A smile came onto Akashi's face, but he clucked his tongue. "You should not be eating snacks when you're hungry anyway, Atsushi," he lightly reprimanded the purple-haired as they walked together to the living room. Murasakibara pouted but sullenly agreed. He rolled his eyes, "But since you carried out your training menu fully . . . Yes, I will make you something."

The tallest in the room smiled widely. "Thank you, Aka-chin!"

"In fact, are you all hungry?" He received nods. "I might as well make something." Akashi sighed deeply. "Daiki." The quivering teen snapped his head up at the sound of his name. "Come with me."

Everyone gave the tanned player a sympathetic look. He nervously stood up from the couch and followed the red-head into the kitchen. The kitchen floor felt cold to his bare feet, but it cleared his frozen mind to think of some arguments to defend himself. Warily, he looked around the simple-looking kitchen. More specifically, he looked for sharp objects. There's a knife near the sink, Aomine observed, I better stay clear of that. But what was most deadly was the mocking, black pair of scissors that sat right next to the microwave. It glinted evilly.

Akashi struggled to say composed when he saw his "underling's" expression. Daiki was obviously horrified at the thought of being alone with him in the kitchen. As he should be, since he had many activities planned out for him in the upcoming days. After all, it was partially his fault Tetsuya managed to escape and get hurt.

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