Chapter 9

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Kuroko leaned against the headboard. Now that his back was starting to heal, he didn't the need the ridiculous amount of pillows to support him. In fact, all of his injuries were healing nicely. He did not need bandages around his head anymore, nor on his legs, but he still limped every time he walked (Akashi noticed this when he caught Kuroko, once again, trying to get out of bed).

A fat book lied on the small teen's lap. It rambled in small letters about Japan's geography. Kuroko tried to read the first paragraph, and then stopped halfway. It was the only book that looked interesting, and since geography was one of his best subjects, he thought he would understand it a bit more than the other advanced college books Akashi mysteriously owned.


At the sound of his name, Kuroko snapped his head up. Akashi raised an eyebrow at the dark circles seen under the blank, blue eyes. The night Ibuki called her son, Kuroko woke up every once in a while with a nightmare. Akashi had slept beside him, knowing this would happen, and eased the boy back to sleep when it did. However, the circles under the hetero eyes weren't as obvious.

"Come with me," Akashi beckoned.

Kuroko leaned forward. "I can get out of bed?"

The red-head threw him an amused glance. "Yes, you can get out of bed."

Once the spoken permission was given, Kuroko was struggling to swing his legs over the edge to stand. He did this process a little too fast, though. His legs tangled with the blankets, Kuroko tried to stand but stumbled and almost hit the floor. If it wasn't for Akashi, he knew his face would be smashed against the carpet by now.

"Careful," Akashi said. "This was the reason why I had you stay in bed." His strong arms easily steadied the light-weight boy.

"Thank you," Kuroko said quietly and stepped out of Akashi's arms. He wanted to show he was not that dependent.

The former captain studied Kuroko for a few seconds. "Hm," he replied. "I did not have you come out of bed for no reason. Come with me; I want to show you something." He didn't wait for an answer and started out the bedroom door.

Curious, Kuroko limped after him. It felt good to walk more than a few steps without being 'caught'. Upon entering the living room, Kuroko's blue eyebrows flew up a few centimeters. The dining table was gone, and the two couches that had originally formed an "L" were pushed off to the side. Replacing the space, blue mats covered the floor. Some cushions were placed right outside the borders of the blue mats.

"What is this, Akashi-kun?"

"It's simply for your safety," Akashi said bluntly. He unzipped his jacket and took it off. A white, loose shirt hung from his body. Kuroko noticed he was also wearing comfortable sweats, which was unusual because the Generation of Miracles have only seen Akashi in either casual yet on the edge of formal outfits, his school uniform, or his basketball uniform. Even when he's sleeping, none of the members see him in anything else. "Take off your jacket."

Kuroko complied, bewildered at the situation. What were they going to do?

"You will be leaving my home the day after tomorrow," Akashi informed as he casually took off his socks. "Not only is the school anxious at your absence, but your mother," Kuroko shivered, "will start taking action if you are here too long for a simple project." He placed his socks on the floor and stepped onto the blue mats, facing Kuroko. "Your father will not always be there to protect you, and you cannot always run away with severe injuries. You also cannot prevent the surely upcoming wounds your mother will inflict." Kuroko flinched and looked down. "However, you can lessen the severity and quantity of those wounds." Akashi stepped back some steps. "Come at me, Tetsuya."

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