Chapter 6

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"You are sure he will be there?"

Both players, one tall and one short, traveled through the busy streets. They had been crossing streets and skillfully avoiding bumping into people for the past twenty minutes. Midorima's legs were already tired from the hilly streets and the constant maneuvering around little kids and adults who didn't watch where they were going. Apparently, Akashi's definition of 'a short walk' was different from his definition.

"Yes, he'll be there," Akashi said absent-mindedly. "I'm always right."

Midorima rolled his eyes.

Five minutes later, they stopped in front an old, rundown café. The building looked as if it would collapse at any time, and only a few people entered and left the coffee shop. Some scratched wooden tables were set in front of the building. An annoying sign blinked the large Japanese characters repeatedly: 四季. He immediately translated it into "Shiki" or "Four Seasons".

Akashi checked the time on his phone. "We are late," he announced. "He should be in there by now." He motioned his head for the green head to enter. A melodic chime rang when they opened the door, alerting the waitresses of their presence. Only two tables were taken, one by a couple and another by a young man. The man turned to stare at them.

"Is that him?" Midorima murmured.


"Table for two?" A waitress asked with a polite smile.

"No. We are actually with that man." Akashi pointed to the tall person who was still staring at them.

The waitress looked at the direction of his finger and nodded. "Of course. Please help yourself to a seat."

The two basketball players walked toward the table, Midorima hesitant while Akashi was confident. A feral smile played onto the red-head's lips as they neared the now nervous man. Teiko's number-one shooter surveyed him quickly. He was obviously tall, even while sitting, with short, teal-colored hair and brown eyes. A crisp, blue button-down shirt accommodated the professional black pants. Midorima could see his hands fiddling in his lap.

"Good day, Kuroko Haru-san," Akashi greeted formally.

"Ah, you must be Akashi-kun, right?" Haru scrambled up and gave a small, polite bow. Both raised an eyebrow but bowed back. Kuroko must get his manners from him, Midorima observed.

When they were all seated, and Akashi ordered coffee for the green-head and tea for himself, Haru immediately brought up the topic they were there for: "Where is Tetsuya? Is he hurt badly?" he asked, panicked.

"He is fine," Akashi assured the man. "He is currently resting in my home. His injuries are starting to heal."

A huge burden had obviously been lifted from Haru's shoulders. He slumped down in relief; the anxiousness that had been present on his face disappeared after hearing the news. The blue-haired man ran a hand through his hair. "That—that's good," Haru said. "I was worried when I came home to find Tetsu not there. I'm glad he found his friends." He turned his gaze toward Midorima. "Ah, you are . . . ?"

"Midorima Shintaro," he answered stiffly.

"Midorima," Haru rolled the name off his tongue. He furrowed his blue eyebrows for a couple seconds before realization came onto his face. "Oh! You're Midorima-kun. I've heard much about you."

The shooter raised an eyebrow at that. Kuroko talked about him?

"Haru-san," Akashi reverted the attention back to him. "We need to talk."

A shadow came over Kuroko's father's face. "Yes," he said quietly. "I'm aware you want to talk about . . . Tetsu's mother."

"Kuroko Ibuki," Akashi confirmed. "Haru-san, we are all aware she is the cause of Tetsuya's constant injuries."

Betrayal in its simplest formTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang