Suga: "sir we should go outside, *we made sure no one was there, I lead sir to our car which I have parked a little far from there, we sat  inside  the car*, I talked to Mr.lee, he is ready to let us ask her about that man, I find out that man is a stalker of his daughter, we can go to his house and discuss this thing later."

Jin-hyuk: "what is the relationship between lee vini and kim taehyung?

Suga: "Taehyung's brother told that he has a crush on Vinnie, if we ask him by his name, he might tell us but no, According to the information, Kim Taehyung's behavior has been rude and arrogant ye He hasn't bullied anyone it's just his friends, He is short-tempered but he has never done anything except to insult or yell at anyone, his friends are the one who bullies students, Lee Jungsuk But he's a decent  guy so I don't t Then there's Yang Yang and Jeon Jungkook, Yang is close friend Of Kim taehyung, jeon jungkook there is not much information about him, we ask the students yet they denied giving excuses."

Jin-hyuk: "Somewhere we are making a mistake, we are missing something, My head hurts just thinking about it, for now, let's go and keep an eye on these four boys.

End of Jin hyuk pov_

Minjae: " isn't he jin-hyuk the detective who came to investigate you about the Kowloon's case what he is doing here?"

Taehyung: "He would not have come to meet you or Who knows, you have called them saying that I have committed this murder."

Minjae: "Hyung, At that time your behavior was strange, so I thought you-

Taehyung: "So you thought I'm behind that idiot's disappearance Wow, what a great brother I have huh! my brother trapped me without knowing having any proof just because my behavior was strange, I'm warning you jae of this time you cause any trouble for me I Will surely kill someone and that someone is you." *Crossing his arms*

Mr. Kim: "Oh god I should not have brought you here, at least understand which situation we're and taehyung, jae is sorry for what he did to you, you just need to be careful, the police will suspect you, so it would be better if you both stay together in school.

Taehyung: "Are you serious? I can't spend a second with him and you just ahh! I am leaving." *My father signs gazing jae to follow me, rolling eyes I walk away from there*

Minjae: "Ya! Hyung waits just listen to dad this time."

Taehyung: "And why would I huh! "

Minjae: i- I know after all this you want to know Vini's condition, how, I was about to go with her brother to meet her, if you want, I can take you too." *Taehyung closes his eyes thinking for a second then agreed, minjae Immediately asks min ho if they can take taehyung with them giving some excuses*

Vini is crying continuously she was already stressed jisoo's death news just broke her completely she don't even know if Suzy is going to survive or if she'll die like her, Everyone was there to comfort her yet she felt suffocating at the thought that Eunwoo If Eunwoo hadn't come, he would have killed Her too, no one is safe she is scared to lose her family and friends, what was their fault that he is killing them one by one why his friends were disappearing she don't even know if they are alive, they all were crying, a tear escape from taehyung eyes, she is going crazy and he can't see her getting hurt how can he when he loved her so much, he knows she loves Eunwoo and he is ok with it yet he can never stop loving her, he looks away when Eunwoo kiss her temple.

After they left to go back home since his father called them to get back,  and after lots of effort, she fell asleep all of them went out of the room Eunwoo insisted to let him stay her parents agreed, later on, detective Jin Hyuk came with his assistant Suga.

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