{10} who says romance is dead?

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HOURS PASSED OF THE DUO SITTING ON THE ROOF. Wanda consoled Peter through reassuring murmurs or the comforting act of just holding his hand while silence settled around them.

Peter stared out at the city around him during that time, but he didn't see the sparkling lights or hear the familiar hum of the cars- for once, he finally felt a sense of peace. Eventually though, he did have to face the rest of the world again and although he would admit to feeling lighter than he had in days now that the pressure of his secret wasn't aching to be released, he felt exhausted.

Wanda insisted that his sudden wave of fatigue was from the use of his magic- she stubbornly refused to use any other word, that she could feel that that was what it was. So together, they eventually left the roof and snuck back into the tower only an hour before the sun-rise and for the rest of the day Peter spent his time cooped up with Harley in his bedroom.

"Dude." Harley nudged Peter's shoulder as he was falling asleep mid-film.

"Mm?" Peter's nose scrunched as he blearily squinted at Harley who was looking down at him with an amused expression. When they'd settled in the bed, Peter had sprawled himself across the other teen without a second thought and even went as far as to intertwine their legs and hands as he listened to his partner's soft breathing. Peter's whole body responded instantly, relaxing at the familiar beat which quietened his spider sense until it had mostly faded away.

"You'd marry me if I asked, right?" Harley asked, half serious and half joking.

"Bro, I'd marry the shit out of you." Peter confirmed solemnly before his sleep deprivation took over and he flashed the teen a goofy grin that overtook his features. Harley laughed quietly to himself.


"Cool." Peter snickered back, before nuzzling into Harley's chest once again.

Moments where it was just the two of them were some of Peter's favourite memories. He loved curling up beside Harley after a long day of classes or a particularly gruelling patrol- he cherished being able to fall asleep feeling safe and warm with arms wrapped tightly around him that he knew would always welcome him in to their embrace, promising anything he could ever want or need. Even the constant stream of nightmares seemed to lose their intensity when Peter fell asleep with Harley pressed so close it was difficult to distinguish where one began and the other ended, as if just the teen's presence could chase away any bad thoughts, like his own personal protector.

"Wait..." Peter's head propped back up, "Are we engaged?" He asked, suppressing a yawn.

Amusement danced in Harley's eyes, "No?" he replied and it took a moment for Peter to stop staring in awe of the boy next to him and respond; he cursed his lack of sleep for the lack of restraint.

"Good. Because when I propose I'm going to seduce you with scientific facts first."

Harley snorted before a look of fondness crept over his features as he eyed Peter for a beat. "When?" He questioned, sounding entertained but there was an underlying tone of excitement that slipped into his voice as he ran a gentle hand down Peter's side and back up again unconsciously.

"Menace." Peter huffed in indignance.

Harley pinched his side, "Yeah whatever, nap away darlin'."

"I will thank you very much." Peter stuck his tongue out in defiance.

Harley grinned. "Good."


Dramatically, Peter puffed out his chest and fought back a smile when Harley started chuckling and running a hand through his boyfriend's unruly hair, managing to untangle some stubborn knots. The repeated, soothing action lulled Peter to sleep until almost the whole day had passed them by- when Peter work up again it was to Harley poking his cheek repeatedly with an unwavering determination to the movement.

The teen frowned and batted him away half-heartedly, his brain foggy with sleep.

"You suck."

"What are you doing?" Harley sang, looking pleased by the whole ordeal.

"I'm sleeping." Peter grumbled, pulling the pillow firmly over his head in an attempt to block Harley out; it was a useless effort.

"Really? How riveting. What are you doing later?" He persisted.

"Sleeping. I'm booked."

Harley scoffed at the statement and ruffled his hair. Peter pouted beneath the pillow as Harley pressed on, not to be swayed from his self-appointed mission. "Come on buddy." he poked him again and continued to talk despite the lack of response and the slight shove he received. "Remember when you said you wanted to revise for midterms?" There was a grunt in lew of an actual worded reply. "Well, you need to get your flashcards from Nat's. I couldn't find them in your bag."

Reluctantly and petulantly, Peter removed the pillow and glared defiantly at Harley who plastered on his fake angelic smile. "Who even needs an education?" Peter questioned, propping his head on his hand as Harley shrugged. "I'll become a stripper." he declared instead, nodding as if it was the only logical decision- Harley smirked in a way that caused Peter's cheeks to turn pink.

"As much as I'd love to see that, apple of my eye," Peter scowled at the nickname but practically preened at the hand petting his hair, "Tony might not agree. He wants you to get into MIT."

It was Peter's turn to scoff. "He'd support me if I tell him that it's my dream."

"... you're not wrong." Harley conceded, (Tony had a strange habit of supporting just about anything if it was someone's dream- and Harley didn't doubt it extended to becoming a stripper as an occupation). He stared down at Peter's smug, sleepy grin before he promptly shoved Peter out of the double bed without warning. The teen rolled off the side with a short squeak of surprise, his spider sense alerting him a beat too late about the attack- it was always haywire or out of time around Harley- he groaned as his back hit the floor.


"Thank you sugar plum. Now, grab your coat, it's raining."

Peter panted as he sat up from the floor and flopped forwards so that the top half of his body was splayed out on the bed. Harley barely looked up from the potato gun prototype he was working on, he was fiddling with one of the screws experimentally as he laid out on the bed.

"Are you coming with me?" Peter suggested.

Harley looked up, completely deadpan. "No! It's raining."

"Right. Of course, silly me. Who wants to go out in the rain?" He mocked, hoisting himself to his feet as Harley grinned triumphantly. He watched Peter throw on a random jumper with a ridiculous dad joke on it that had the teen cringing before laughing at the miserable look on his boyfriend's face.

"Should I bring back tacos?" Peter wondered, standing in the doorway as his stomach growled.

"Who says romance is dead?" Harley questioned, feigning a thoughtful face as Peter rolled his eyes to hide his amusement. "And definitely. Never ask if you should bring tacos, the answer is always yes."


A cute little filler chapter!! I really wanted to explore their dynamic in this story, and there definitely is a lot more Harley in this story too which makes me happy :)

Anyway! Let me know of any spelling mistakes! xoxo.

It's a Spider Family. {Sequel to 'It's a Spider Thing'.}Where stories live. Discover now