Chapter 11

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Reader pov:
After Naguri left, another storm hit similar to the day we left. The next day Sabo suggested that I hunt while they would fix and if necessary rebuild the tree house, especially since I'm afraid of heights. As I was walking looking for something to hunt, when I hear someone call out, "Ace!?"
As I turned around I heard a tree branch snap, I see non other than Marco the phoenix come and protect me, and as soon as that happened we were somehow we were on white beard's ship. At that moment all I thought was 'shit, so this is what giving him the hat earlier would do'.
"Ahh son your back, and I see you managed to bring back company."
At that moment all I could do was think how Ace would act.
"Where am I and why did you guys take me!" I said in a tone that I thought Ace sounds like.
"So where did you get the brat?"
"Last thing that I remember was getting hit by that fruit user with Ace and I woke up on an island, when I saw Ace but little, I could tell because I know no one with freckles like his."
At that moment all I can think of is how this makes no sense last that I remember there is no fruit that can do this, so how did I travel in time?
"Well while you were gone we knocked out the fruit user, currently the fruit user and Ace are in the infirmary." Hartura spoke out.
'shit, I just made things worse' I thought as I hoped it couldn't get worse.
"What the hell are you guys even talking about, why did you even try kidnapping me!"
I said as I tried to act as much as I could like Ace, but at that moment Thatch came out telling everyone that Ace was finally awake. Right then and there I knew I fucked up. As Ace he came out of the infirmary like nothing happened to him, but noticed I was there and could tell what was going on immediately.
"Heh, so this is why you know so much huh Wallflower." Ace said looking directly at me and right after he said that I felt how the entire crew looked ready to kill me since they seemed to hate infiltrators. I made a look to see if Ace would do anything to help me, and he did nothing and it was up to me to get out of a life and death situation.
"So who really is he Ace?" Blaenco asked.
"Let's just let Wallflower get out of this situation on their own." Ace said as he seemed a bit angry.
"Settle down, and let him speak, then we'll judge." White beard said as he calmed down the entire crew. I felt so threatened right then and there.
"Heh funny story actually. I'm Ace's twin sister, and I see you are wearing your birthday gift Ace. As I said what I said as I did not get the reaction I expected, and reminded me of how Ace acted when he introduced me to sabo, especially due to how the entire crew looked. As that happened Ace came and said,
"I finally understand and I'm sorry for everything. Especially what happened that day."
"Ha you still learned manners from Makino right."
"As if you're one to talk!"
"On the Contrary my good sir, I may posses better etiquette than you may expect." I said as I bowed and the crew ended up dying of laughter on how I just spoke to Ace.
"Ok, but Ace, one thing if I find the way back, take care of four, I just hope I don't mess up too much since I'm somehow in the future with my older brothers crew. Then again I shouldn't exist so I guess it works out."
"Seriously your still trying to not mess with the future."
"Well yeah and it's changed enough that I think that thing will end up different and then I can stop worrying about the future and enjoy the present."
"Man you're also still trying to tell me but also not."
At the time I didn't notice, but white beard seemed to know what I meant.
"Thank you for taking care of Ace, I know he can be a jerk sometimes, especially with the pranks he tends to do."
At that moment Ace's face seemed to go red as the whitebeards laughed.
"You should have seen how he tried to kill pops every day." Thatch said.
"Yeah must have been hard, but that's just the way he show his affection, until you accept his worst. You should see how he treats Lu."
Right there Ace just told Thatch to prepare food, and he'll ask the fruit user questions if there awake. While I took care of Stefan.
At least he was a good dog.

~sometime later~

Ace brought me to the galley where he shoved in a custom booster seat.
"Ace are you serious?!"
"Well I did try to talk to Hartura, let's just say it didn't end well."
I had no choice but to agree since everyone was taller than me including Hartura.
The dinner Went fine and thatch gave me a amount fit for Ace, but one thing that I guess I would count as a win being reborn in one piece was the fast metabolism, usually I wouldn't eat much, unless offered.
The next two days I would consider it chaotic.
That was when I woke up on Marco and he was letting me fall from a really high place, and just like that he swoop last second and saved me as I felt like I almost died again right then and there.
"I'm ok, you know what do it again, I need to be ready when things get worse." I said in a scared tone while it look like Marco was concerned for my well being.
"Don't worry, honestly I need to get rid of this fear."
"I'm sorry yoi, Ace said you liked high places and told me to give you a nice experience in the sky. That's the last time I'm listening to him about you."
"Thanks Marco."
"No problem."


Everything after that seemed to be going well for y/n, until Ace introduced her to Teach. The man seemed to know that she knew what was going on, but ignored her. As for Ace he didn't seem to notice how he acted since everything seemed normal. Later the fruit user that brought y/n to the future had waken up, and Ace questioned them if they meant to bring y/n to the future. Although the fruit explained that that was never supposed to happen, which made them question the extent of their power, and what would happen, and if they had awakened it as they put them in cuffs. One thing they did not want to try again was challenge the white beard pirates again.

Reader pov:

We left the user and went back to the deck. I decided to tell Ace about Rouge and Roger.
"Hey Ace, i hope this isn't out of the ordinary, but do want to hear about Rouge? You know our biological mom."
"Oh, right you know, especially since we're from a book series Right?"
"Yeah, also I'm glad I told you what was mostly going on, and why."
"Yeah you didn't actually tell me more like you wrote it angrily on piece of paper."
"Oh... umm ok, well anyway mom was beautiful she wore a pink hibiscus and a lovely dress. Mom and Da-"
"He's not my Dad ok"
"Ok, but let me continue. Mom and Dad fell in love and Dad left, which you know why and the reason, but before he left he decided to name you, but that was before they knew about me and that they would have twins. Your name is Ace since you're a boy, but if you were a girl it would have been Ann. I guess that would have been my name, if mom didn't die so soon, at least that's my hypothesis. Dad died due to other circumstances that I guess I'll tell you if I can save a specific person and change something for the better. Anyways Dad died because he wanted to, and he didn't want to leave. I'll explain later when the time's right and why Dad died, while Mom died to protect us from dying. There was a massacre right after Dad died and she did her best to hide us so we'd live. Honestly they both loved us, Grandpa Garp respected Dad, that's why he came for us, and left us with bandits, it was to protect us, which was really smart."
"But he still left us."

Ace pov:
As y/n said what she said I felt a wave a wave of haki, it was nowhere near as strong as the conqueror's haki in the Grandline, but i could tell that y/n, if she wanted to could make anyone fear her in the east blue. What does she actually know about Roger?
"Fine, but you're not going to tell me why he's dying, am I correct."
"Yeah, I'm sorry Ace. I-it-it's just you don't know what awful things the government has done. It's just Dad really wanted us to find the one piece, but I want Luffy to find it. You guys weren't strong enough. I know I have changed things they keep effecting the world."
After barely being able to finish that sentence y/n broke into tears. At that moment all I could do was comfort her. I can't believe my Wallflower little sister was hiding so much. She seems to be holding so much information that the world government would have chased her and ended her due to her extended knowledge. She seems to know so much, but tends to randomly forget after telling me. If the government knew they would have put a bounty on her just like Nico Robin, and yet she hasn't told me everything. I thought as I kept telling her it was going to be fine. It made me think of how a similar reaction she had when she knew Sabo died.

What Ace didn't know is that y/n was having flashbacks to every scene that made her cry in one piece, and how much pain the characters felt to her back then, and that they were no longer characters but people she would end up meeting, and that there was nothing she could do change their future or save anyone she knew would die, since it was a fate decided a long time ago, just her existence has messed so many things. She keeps trying to look forward to everything, but the things that happened were so real and she can't do anything to leave this awful reality. Which makes her think why she's here again. She hopes that everything ends for a better note than the story. In the end she fell asleep and Ace took care of her, the next morning they were waking up and went to go get breakfast. As that happening the whitebeard's were making negotiations with the fruit user. As Ace was spending time with y/n, Thatch accompanied them. The Crew eventually found a way back for y/n as was brought back she was on a tree where the branch snapped and she passed out due to the hit of the fall.


Well I got out earlier, honestly anyway I rather get this done fast than leave you guys waiting. Honestly I feel like this is something that would happen to someone who would be reborn into one piece with there memories coming back little by little. Well let's see what happens next time.

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