Chapter 9

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Reader pov:
"Wait so am I now your brother or sister?"
"Yes!" Ace, Sabo, and Lu replied.
"Wait, I need to think of a nickname for y/n, especially since you all gave her one except me. I look like a bad guy here, wait I got it! Alheli! I one heard a tourist say it but it was a while ago, at a flower shop, and since Luffy calls you Wally I can call you Alheli. I mean I think it means flower? You know since ace calls you Wallflower it could be a combination, nice right? It made me think of you."
"Sabo you're becoming an idiot."
"Why would you name me something you don't understand! And how many times do I have to tell you guys not to call me wallflower!"
"Well I think it's nice" Luffy interrupted.

It's been a few days since we became all family, and today we were training since we did a bit of everything and I'm currently fighting against ace. Currently Ace is winning an has beaten me 69 out of 100 fights, which usually we are closer in a tie, it also seems like luffy is growing faster in combat, than in the series. While fighting I stumbled and fell.
"Ha your still no match for me!"
"Oh shut up Ace, and stop acting so annoying."

After the fighting we started to plan the day.

"So can I look around town, as long as I'm not dressed up to look like Ace."
"Fine just don't drag us in you weird obsession of going to any store and trying to buy stuff." Ace said

"Hey we should have a time and place where to meet in case anything happens." Said Sabo

"Wow your like a mom. Also is it just me or has Luffy been to quiet."
At that moment we realized Luffy was gone.
"Well me and Ace did ask him to be quiet."
At that moment it was quite obvious that Ace bribed Luffy, but Luffy being Luffy did what he would do and just go with it. At that moment I just went and look around town, lucky we would meet our training area. While looking around there was a hat shop and there was an orange cowboy hat that looked familiar it was just missing beads. I eventually bought it, but I'm going to have to hide it especially from Ace until he leaves. Luckily, I got a box to his the stuff. While walking around I see a new shop, at least to me, since it has the name ************ and Ace and Sabo keep mentioning it , but apparently it's things that get sold back from grey terminal, and what's strange is someone found a tensenjutsu fan in grey terminal of all places. It was smaller than traditional fans but it's better than nothing. At least I thought until someone bought before I did, which I left with only what I came with. As I was walking on my way I bought beads and string to make the hat look like Ace's and give it to him as a gift on his birthday, then again it's never bad to start planning early as I headed to the meeting spot.


Ace and sabo were running around grey terminal as they searched for Luffy they stole what they could. After searching all over grey terminal they headed to town and looked for Luffy. As Sabo led the search, ace suddenly draged Sabo to the market area in town and they found Luffy staring at a vendor's meat. At that moment both Ace and Sabo start dragging Luffy before it gets any later and they won't be able to catch dinner. While the boys could be seen pulling on Luffy, he stayed stubborn and tried to take a piece of meat from the stand. Some time later the boys got him and took Luffy which took a longer than expected leaving them with no time to check around and had to head back to the hiding spot. When the boys arrived Ace noticed something about how y/n was acting suspicious, Sabo realized as well which was very similar to when she disappeared. Ace being more protective asked her to follow him.
"So what do you want to talk about?" Asked y/n.
"What are you hiding this time, your acting similar to the mystery series situation!"
"I can't tell! At least not now, I'm already ruining stuff and you'll see soon so don't worry. I'm sure it won't ruin it that much."
"Fine, just be careful with what you are doing."
"Ok, is Ace just worried of what I know?"
"OH, forget it."

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