Chapter 8

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Ace pov:
After 3 weeks of getting used to y/n I think I should drag her into the forest again she's sleeping in and it may be entertaining. I make Luffy and Sabo help me drag her faster so we can train faster.
"Ace are you sure we should do this? You remember what happened last time."
"Yeah I know, but this time she's stronger."
As me and Sabo kept talking Luffy almost woke her up because that idiot almost fell off a cliff. We set her down and left y/n to sleep.

~Time skip~

Reader pov:

I felt something crawling around my face!
"Ahhhhhhh!" I yelled as I woke up to see luffy trying to but a beetle on my face, that wasn't the worst part, there was a spider on me! It wasn't that big, but it had long legs, and due to instinct I killed it.
"Shishishi you screamed like a girl."
"Lu, that's because I am Lu. Why were you even trying to put a beetle on me!"
"You aren't a girl! You act like Ace, but nicer and Ace isn't a girl."
In the background you could hear sabo and ace laughing.
"You guys dragged me out and were about to leave me weren't you."
"HA we actually left you there, we just came back from training! Man Wallflower I think Luffy is spreading his stupidity"
" Yeah and we dared lu to put a bug on you. That spider wasn't him that was already on you when we came back." Both Ace and sabo yelled
"Guys I'm hungry." After that we went to get crocodile for breakfast. After that Ace and Sabo got a cloak. At that moment it was obvious what's going to happen.
"Ok don't mess this up wallflower. Make it look like your our guide and I'm paying you."
"But I don't know the town! It's going to be my first time! Are you sure?"
"Trust me it's not going to be that bad. We're going together aren't we? Don't go full wallflower on me."
"Seriously you need to stop with the nickname."
"Yeah that's not gonna happen just accept it. Anyways we need you to look different to since I'm not allowed passed the gate, and you have my face. You know what let's just get you a dress"
After sometime they found a patched up feminine clothing and small cloak to put on me courtesy of Sabo, as we were getting ready something happened
"Hey Ace can- who is she?"
Luffy said as he pointed to me.
"Luffy I already told you who she is!"
"Ok I thought Luffy was oblivious for comedic relief, but I didn't think he was this oblivious." I mumbled to sabo who was holding his laugh.

You can see how luffy tried to connect the dots and conclude y/n was Wally's sister.
"You're Wally's sister! So where's Wally?"
"Well it's your turn I already saved him from being eaten this morning"
"I would explain who I am, but I don't think he'll believe me."
As Sabo in a disappointed way walked up to Luffy.
"Fine. Luffy she is Wally."
"Oh, well Wally your a weird guy let's just go!"

Reader pov:
As we were walking into town
The guard asked us what we had, which we showed which was crocodile leather. He let us proceed. We had beat up some some thugs, but since I never took off the cloak so they were just confused which we took advantage of currently I'm waiting for them to get the money. When out of nowhere someone tried to kidnap me, but I hit him with my pipe. It hurt him but didn't knock him out.
"Shit damn it you little shit!"
At that moment that guy pulled out a hand knife.
I think he was trying to intimate me, but it wasn't working. At that moment the guys come out after bargaining and the thug runs out of fear.
"Are you ok y/n" Sabo asked
"Yeah thanks!"


"Hey I'm hungry!"
"Fine let's go get some ramen. I know a place."
"Wait so you guys don't just eat whatever is in the jungle?"
"I do!"
"We know Lu."
"I'm hungry!"
"We know."
"Why does little Wallflower think we don't eat out every once in a while."
I mean they didn't eat in town until they met Luffy, I guess it would make sense since Ace is taking us I thought. As we made it to the Ramen place.
At first they didn't want to allow us to eat until sabo pulled some sort of pocket watch with his noble family crest.
"That was great, where did you get that?"
"Oh I just found it somewhere."
As we were given 4 bowls of ramen.
"So this is ramen?"
"It looks delicious!"
"Man I always wanted to try ramen! And not the instant type!"
"Come on eat it"
As we are our bowls of ramen Luffy was about to talk, the guy's stopped him, and we got more bowls until Luffy stretched his arm.
"Shit guys we need to go Now! Before she comes back!" I said knowing what was going to happen next. As predict the waitress and head chef came to check on us.
"They found us out!"
We were surrounded and for some reason Ace dragged me, as we fell I knew I wasn't doing this again, especially since I hated heights. We left running away from authorities, as we ran Sabo's father was calling to him but luckily I didn't change much during this interaction.


"What's wrong? I'm not hiding anything."
"Really? Ok."
"It's obvious your hiding something! spit it out, Sabo! You can't keep secrets between us!
"So talk!" Both Luffy and Ace tried to interrogate him.
"There's nothing to for me to talk about."
"Talk, damnit, or I'll make you talk!" As Ace and Luffy were choking Sabo
"Ok-ok just let go of me."
At that moment I had enough and broke up there fight.
"Stop! Just stop it."
"Thanks y/n."
"Can I explain your situation Sabo?"
"So you know!?" They all questioned.
"Ace, Sabo I already explained when I came back, remember."
"Oh right"
"I'm just going to explain, Sabo is a noble, see simple."
"So?" Both Ace and Luffy said as they picked there noses.
After that Sabo was pretty offended, but still told his backstory.
"I mean I knew, but who am I to be god, or in this case gods, I'm sorry, but I already told you guys."
"I understand"
"Ace, y/n, Luffy, were definitely setting out to sea and go on a lot of adventures, and then I'm going to write a book about my adventures! I don't mind studying navigation! I'll be stronger, and I'll become a pirate!"
"I'll be a pirate, I'll fight and fight, until I'm well known. I don't care if they hate me, or wish I was never born. I won't run from anyone or lose against anyone. I won't be afraid of anything. Everyone will know my name. That's what it means to be a strong pirate."
"I see then, I'll be................................."
As Luffy said his dream I covered my ears to not hear it, I'm sure I'll remember what he said later.
"I don't know what you said, but I know your going to do amazing things out there Lu."
"He's just talking nonsense."
"You're so funny, Luffy. I can't wait to see what will happen in the future with you." Sabo laughed
"Ok, but don't you three all want to be captains right?"
"Dammit y/n, I was planning on taking you and making Sabo navigator."
"You guys can always join my crew."
"I refuse!" Both Sabo and Ace said to Luffy.
"Come on, do it! Join my crew!"
"As if."
"Yeah me either."
"What! Fine whatever I don't care!"
"What was that? You gave up?"
"Man your really funny Luffy."
"Well Wally might still join."
"Really? You and Wallflower. I mean it works, two are both crybabies."
"I said I would think about it! I might want to start as a wanderer."

A few days later Ace asked me to get 4 sake cup and I knew why, we were all later waiting for Ace at the tree stump, he eventually arrived.
"Well we'll figure it out when the time comes. Maybe we'll leave on one ship, or maybe we'll leave in 4."
"Oh you stole that sake from Dadan?"
"Well did you know? When men drink together, they become brothers." Ace said as he poured sake in each cup.
"Brothers? Really?"
"Wait, but I'm a girl."
"What girl? Your as manly as any man, maybe more of man than Luffy." Ace mumbled that last part.
"Well we may sail in different ships, maybe or maybe not all of us will be pirates, I'm looking at you y/n, but no matter what we do or where we are... no one will break that bond."
As we drank the cups of sake that represented our siblings bond.


Damn feelings getting the better of me!
You guys in Wattpad get this chapter a week early thanks to ZuaJane and ddeadcalm and because there comments have helped feel good about posting this fanfiction that I thought is bad. It isn't helping me listening to the first ending of of one piece feel any better. Have a good day/night depending where you live.

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