Chapter 14

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Sorry I've been gone lolz I lost motivation. Also, this is super important but I AM CHANGING MY USERNAME SOON!!!! My insta is @greek.sophie.pjo and it gets confusing having this username be different so I'm gonna change it to that. I will give another chapter or two's notice so y'all still know it's me :] 

Rights to Rick Riordan except for OC's

Annabeth's POV:

Annabeth woke up in the infirmary with Will at the end of her bed, Percy sitting in a chair to her left. She groaned from the lights, head swimming. Percy, seeing this, jumped up and dimmed them for her.

Through her blurry vision she saw Will look up at her from his clipboard. "Oh nice," he said, "you're up."

Annabeth sat up slowly, stretching her arms. "What happened?"

"You passed out," Percy answered.

"How long have you felt sick?" Will asked her.

"Like a few weeks or so," she answered, still semi-asleep.

Will pursed his lips and tapped his pen to his clipboard for a few seconds. He looked back up at her, "Are you on any new medication that I don't know about?"

She shook her head, "I don't take anything except my birth control and maybe an Advil when I have a bad headache."

Will gave a slow nod and set his clipboard down on the counter. "Well congratulations, I'm taking you off that."

Annabeth blinked, "Why?"

"Have you ever bothered to read the paper that comes with it that lists all the side effects?"


"Well you just so happen to have almost all of them, so say goodbye to it," Will said. "I gave you some other things while you were asleep, which should help you. Take it easy for a couple days and drink a lot of water. After that, you should be good to go."

She sat up and slowly swung her legs off the side of the bed. Percy, being the caring husband that he was, took her hand and helped her stand up. Annabeth pecked his cheek lightly as a thank you.

She smiled at Will, "Thank you, Solace."

He smiled back, radiating positivity and warmth. "Anytime, Jackson."

As they were walking across camp back to the cabins, the rain continued to pour. Percy used his powers to shield her from it, something she was grateful for. No one was outside, which gave the entire camp a calming yet suspiciously eerie feeling.

Right after stepping into cabin 3 and Percy closing the door, they received an Iris Message. It was from her younger brother, Adrian. She barely recognized him at first. The woods around him mixed with the quiet sounds of fear that were coming from him and Sage gave it away quickly.

They were sitting behind a few small boulders, huddled up tightly. Both of them were wet from the rain. Sage held Adrian's hand tightly, which he gladly held. Annabeth thought it would've been sweet under different circumstances.

Sage had her other hand clamped around her mouth, stopping her from making any noise. Adrian was panting quietly, which he was trying to stop urgently. Annabeth stopped herself from saying anything too loud.

Percy stared at them, confused. "Wha-"

Annabeth quickly slapped her hand over his mouth and held it there firmly. She gave him a glaring look as if to say you say another word, you are dead.

She oh so quietly asked them, "What's going on?"

Adrian pointed over his shoulder slowly. Annabeth sucked in a breath. She hadn't noticed it before, but a massive creature was lurking in the back, trying to find them. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before. It had massive tusk-like pointy bones that came from around its mouth. The rest of its body was covered in what looked to be massive scales. With its horns that were half the size of its body, muscular limbs, and yellow eyes, it was enough to freak any demigod out.

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