Chapter 11

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I FORGOT TO POST A CHAPTER! There was a chapter before chapter 6 about Calypso coming to camp. People were confused with the next chapter and I didn't know why. I was rereading my story and realized I forgot it. I ADDED IT INTO CHAPTER 6!!!!!!! PLEASE GO BACK AND READ CHAPTER 6 AGAIN IF YOU HAVEN'T!!!!!! 

Now enjoy :]

Creds to Rick

Percy's POV:

Percy stood at the front of the altar on Firework Beach, waiting for Annabeth. He had Grover right behind him, with Frank and Tyson further back. Clarisse and Piper were already there; all they needed was Thalia and Hazel, and of course Annabeth.

Just then, his little sister Estelle came walking down with Hazel. She had a little basket in one hand and was tossing out white petals with the other. Hazel had her hand hovering behind her just in case, and gave words of encouragement to her. Finally, she made it to the end of the aisle and waddled over to Sally. Hazel took her place with Clarisse and Piper.

Suddenly, the Apollo kids changed the previously soft music and started to play the wedding march. Everyone stood up and turned to face the aisle.

And then he saw Annabeth.

While it was harder to see her face from a distance because of her veil, she was nothing short of stunning. He had told her that on the daily, but today, her beauty rivaled every goddesses on Olympus.

She wore a flowing white gown with long lace sleeves running down her arms. It enhanced her slim figure and small waist without being slutty in any way. It matched her perfectly; Annabeth was a friend of modesty. Her princess curls had been left down for the most part but tamed with small white flowers decorating it. She held a bouquet of white roses in her hands, her arm around Chiron's. Thalia trailed behind them, holding her veil off the ground.

There hadn't been a time in many years that Percy had cried in front of Camp Half Blood. That was, until then.

She stepped in front of him as Chiron stood off to the side in between them. Annabeth passed her bouquet to Thalia. She faced him again and Percy offered both of his hands to hold, which she took willingly.

Annabeth whispered, "Are you crying?"

He gave a small, quiet laugh. "Yeah, actually."

She gave a small smile in return. She didn't say it, but Percy could see her wet eyes through her veil, too.

Quite honestly, Percy zoned out for most of the ceremony. He simply stared at Annabeth, taking all of her in. He still couldn't believe how far they had come, let alone that they were getting married. Had he been able to go back and tell his 12-year-old self that Annabeth would be his wife, his younger self wouldn't believe it.

Finally, he snapped out of it just in time for their vows. They had decided to go with traditional vows only, because they said their own to each other daily.

Chiron looked at him. "Perseus Jackson, will you have this woman to be your wife, to live together in harmonious marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?"

He cleared his throat quietly, not loud enough for anyone to hear. "I do," he said crisply.

Chiron smiled at him and turned to Annabeth, "Annabeth Chase, will you have this man to be your husband, to live together in harmonious marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

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