Chapter 1

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I'm back :) Sorry it took so long, but here it is. Art creds to windbyfire. 

All rights to Rick Riordan because I don't wanna be sued. 


July 18, two weeks till the Feast of Spes

The second they reached the Argo ll, Percy and Annabeth promptly passed out cold on the deck. Piper figured if she'd just spent two weeks in Tartarus, she would too.

Frank and Hazel both knelt next to them, checking for pulse. Hazel sighed, "Annabeth's heart rate is low, but decently there."

"Um," Frank started, gesturing to Percy, "wish I could say the same but it's kinda bad over here."

Reyna cursed. When did she get here? Piper thought. "Then get them to your sick bay!"

Jason and Frank took both Percy and Annabeth away. Piper followed behind them, she was sort of the nurse of the crew. After setting them down in cots, Piper ordered them to get out. Hazel appeared not far behind her. Piper didn't mind Hazel being in there, she was kind of like a mom, but packed down into a 13-year-old.

Hazel gabbed a washcloth and started to wipe the dirt off Percy's face. Piper was fine with using the word 'dirt' because she didn't want to think about what it actually could've been. All across his face, Percy had many cuts and scars. Piper lifted his shirt, or what was left of it, to find the same thing, but worse.

Piper grabbed a pair of scissors off the counter and went to cut it, but was stopped by Hazel. "You're just gonna cut it off him?"

"It's not like he's gonna be able to wear it anymore anyways."


Piper cut the shirt off him (A/N fun fact, they actually will do this to you in the ER if you are on the verge of dying). His entire chest was blackened from a mix of blood and dirt. Piper did her best to clean it out. She couldn't quite bandage it yet, because he needed an actual shower first.

Hazel had moved on to Annabeth at that point. She had cleaned off most of the dirt on her face. Her hair was still matted and filthy, but Piper figured they could deal with that later. She cleaned off a spot on Annabeth's arm with rubbing alcohol. Piper opened the cabinet and pulled out two needles.

Hazel stopped what she was doing and looked up at her. "What're you gonna do with that?"

"They're dehydrated, they need IV fluid," Piper answered.

"I didn't know we had IVs. You know how to insert an IV?"

"Kind of," Piper answered. "We're running low on supplies so we need to stop at a drugstore. I was taught once in a class, so lets hope I do it right."

Thankfully, Piper managed to insert it correctly for both Percy and Annabeth. Hazel gave them both bits of Nectar through a straw while she did so. Annabeth was starting to look slightly better, Percy on the other hand, wasn't.

Hazel frowned, "When do you think they'll wake up?"

Piper shrugged, "Don't know. As long as it's sometime in the next two days we're good."

Nico walked through the doors of the sickbay. "How are they?"

"Well they just came from Tartarus, so clearly not the best but Annabeth's looking better," Hazel answered.

Nico jerked his head to Percy. "What about him?"

Piper sucked in a breath, "I don't know."

Nico sighed, "He's strong. He'll be fine eventually. Also, when she wakes up, can you two, um, clean her up better?"

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