Chapter 17: Invasion (The Flash/Kamen Rider Drive)

Start from the beginning

(The knife thrust puts Kamen Rider Drive down a bit for Deadshot to get him with bullets and fists. But the Kamen Rider holds his own and manages to defeat the shooter.)

Drive: I's just business.

(Then The Flash approaches Kamen Rider Drive.)

Flash: I'm impressed you managed to topple Deadshot.

Drive: Everyone should be prepared fot the... (sees Reverse Flash kicking The Flash in the gut.) worst...

(The Flash sees Reverse Flash.)

Reverse Flash: Grodd SAID you couldn't resist a good crisis

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Reverse Flash: Grodd SAID you couldn't resist a good crisis.

Flash: (incredulous) Eobard Thawne?! You don't belong here!

Reverse Flash: And miss the return of Barry Allen? (runs up and socks him three times in the jaw)

(The Flash runs off into traffic with Reverse-Flash on his tail. They race into the country and towards Gotham. Somehow, Reverse-Flash starts to catch-up with his counterpart. With a leap over a garbage truck, he nails Flash into a car. Then the fight truly begins as they trade blows amid traffic and bounce off cars. Soon, Reverse-Flash gets the better of Flash and tosses him ito an alleyway. No sooner does Flash stand up than Reverse-Flash knocks him down with a punch.)

Reverse Flash: I ran a long way from the future to hurt you, Barry! But this timeline? It's all wrong.

Flash: So go back to your OWN time, "Reverse-Flash"!

Reverse Flash: (kicking Flash back down) You think I haven't tried?! Your Regime buddies killed one of my ancestors... and now I'm trapped in a paradox! I can never go home...but, at least, I can hurt you!!

(As one might guess, this is an even match. Flash has experience, though. It's a knock-down speedfest of a fight...but Flash gets one over on his 25th century counterpart. Reverse-Flash manages to stand up and race away before he gets more of a pummeling.)

Flash: Dunno how many more reunions I can take.

(Then Kamen Rider Drive comes in.)

Drive: I knew you could do it, Barry. I always did.

????: (from above) Guess I could come back later!

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????: (from above) Guess I could come back later!

(Kamen Rider Drive sees Hal Jordan as a Green Lantern.)

Drive: (angry) You got some nerve to wear this ring after all you did!

Green Lantern: The ring has chosen me... again.

Drive: Even after you bailed on the Guardians to join the Sinestro Corps?!

Green Lantern: The Guardians locked me up. But they also trained me to overcome my fears. I earned the second chance they gave me.

Drive: The Guardians made a mistake!

(Kamen Rider Drive and Green Lantern come to blows. While Green Lantern has the will, Kamen Rider Drive has the speed. In the end, Flash knocks Green Lantern down... but he notices something during the fight.)

Drive: You held back, didn't you.

(Then the duo helps Green Lantern up.)

Green Lantern: I *told* you, I'm trying to make things right. I betrayed my Corps, my planet...and my friends. And that's the worst part.

Flash: All day, I've been reminded how I failed to be a hard it's gonna be to regain people's trust. Guess we're both on that path.

Drive: You guys got a long way to go, but you can count on me to help you in your redemption.

Flash: Together?

Drive: Together!

(Then the three do a high five and smile.)

Words: 949

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