I had only been slightly bemused when they had told me that they were chlidren of the Gods, as I had sensed the aura of power that they omitted, and I knew of the legends of the wizarding comunity's beginning and had therefore studied the Greek and Roman Gods. What I knew for certain though, is that my students could never know. I had granted the Demigods, as they were known in their world, to attend Hogwarts for as long as they needed to aid in their protection of Harry. They would be sorted, and try to blend in with the other students as much as possible, but they were allowed to train in the forbidden forest. There was nothing in there hat was as dangerous as they faced on a day to day basis anyway. I sighed, if anyone were to find out what they truly were, all hell would break loose. And if anyone would be able to, it would be Harry, Ron and Hermione...


Well that had gone better then expected. Dumblydoor or whatever he is called made all the other students go back to their houses so that he could call an emergency meeting with all the teachers who would be told who and what we are, but under no circumstances must the students be told. Probably best, if everyone was frightened of us they would make protecting the Harry person even harder. We don't even know who he is! I turned to Nico, who was grumbling something about how angry his father would be when he found out about all the ghosts, and the paperwork that would entail, that were currently keeping a fair distance between Nico and theselves, whimpering apologies and bowing every now and again, muttering "Please Lord, not there, don't tell your father!" it was all quite funny. We reached some huge wooden doors and stood there waiting, our ADHD really acting up as we were tapping our feet and fiddling with anything we ould get our hands on. Dumbledore has asked us very politely, (I had kinda grown to like him already) if we would wait outside a large pair of doors, and when he announced us we should walk in. I could hear loud talking and laughter, along with the clinking of glasses until a louder voice silenced the hall. I recognised it as Dumbledore, and I stopped leaning on the door as we waited for his signal. After about 5 minutes of waiting, and we all were itching to do something, Hades, I was even prepared to jump out of the window just for something to do! Well FINALLY he gave our queue to come in, our cover story. We had spent hours discussing how we would effectively blend in with an excuse that wouldn't seem too far fetched, and we had settled on temporary students from the US. We still weren't sure how we were going to resolve the whole Pegasus situation, but a man named Hagrid had seemed quite happy to keep them hidden for a while. In fact, he seemed to have taken quite a liking to them, despite the fact they are supposedly mythical.

Before we entered what Dumbledore called the 'great hall', I glanced at my cousins, waiting for their approval. After this, there would be no turning back. After I recieved a sharp nod from both, I turned back towards the door, and using both arms, I pushed both doors slowly open, barely noticing my muscles strain slightly in my back and arms beneath my shirt. We made our way up to the stage, trying to not gawp at the beautiful room. Okay, it was like a pigsty compared to Olympus, but for a mortal creation, it was pretty impressive and i'm sure that Annabeth would be drooling right now. She seems to have rubbed off on me, I mused as I walked, steps falling perfectly in sync with Thalia and Nico, years of trainig making us a syncronised team, and pretty damn deadly. Ha! Dam... After thinking that, I was suprised when a boy, he looked around 17 stepped up in front of me. I smirked slightly as his head only reached about my chin, so he had to crane his neck to look up at me. One of my eyebrows raised itself in curiosity. He has black hair, like mine but much better behaved and green eyes, also like mine but a dead darker green whilst mine were wild and sea green. "Yes?" I questioned him, trying to sound calm. But in truth I was not. I am not a patient person and this whole quest had already pissed me off about having to leave Annabeth. He jutted his chin out "I know what you are," He replied cockily. "Uh huh and what would that be squirt?" A bright red blush spread down his cheeks "H-How dare you, don't you know who I am you D-Death Eater!" He screeched in a high pitched voice, and he pulled out a... a stick. I am having a stick pointed at my face. It that supposed to be threatening? Oh my Hades... a stick. Really?! Trying to contain the laugh that was threatening to explode from my lungs I looked at Thalia who was sniggering and Nico who was actually laughing. The sight made me so happy, that I couldn't hold it in. I cried and wheezed with laughter for a good 7 minutes with my hands braced on my knees for support. "Are you serious?" I asked Dumbledore, pointing at the 'Oh so threatening stick' that was being pointed in my face by the now spluttering guy who was as red as the boy behind him's hair. Dumbledore looked kinda taken aback but still had a smile on his face. The boy then seemed to be beyond furious. But that just made us laugh even more. He looked like a kid whose candy had been conviscated. His arms were shaking, and then something weird happened. He shouted "STUPEFY!" and this bright light shot out of the stick, and hit me square in the chest, but then it just seemed to bounce off my shirt then fizzle and fall on the floor. The cocky dude had his mouth on the floor. "H-Ho... Wh-at the, I-I don't..." My eyebroes drew together and looked at Dumbledore. "Was that supposed to do something?" Great, I guess i'm immune to magical stick things. Whoop! And if my life couldn't get any weirder, a hat then started to sing...

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