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"So, are you gonna get blackout drunk tonight?" Boscha grins, scrolling through her phone.

"I don't blackout at parties, and I have to drive your drunk ass back," Amity drives, the dark road in-front of her being littered with much more cars than it would tomorrow. The drive to the twins house was around fifty minutes, they insisted on living in Bonesburough but as far away from their parents as possible.

"I think you should just drive hungover," Boscha likes a post then gets back to her scrolling. "They're your siblings, they will let you stay over."

"They're my siblings," Amity rolls her eyes. "God, if I stayed over at their house I would come out with absolutely no dignity."

"They're not that bad."

"You aren't related to them."

"Fair point."

The outline of the twins house could be spotted in the distance, even if they wanted to live far away from their parents didn't mean they didn't want their money. They still went to dinners and holidays so they could say that the house they had bought was the only one they liked and when they asked for money they would be given it. Amity doesn't blame them, their parents are rich and all the money going towards the twins hardly leaves a dent, not like she would care anyway.

People stand outside, most smoking but some accompanying their smoking friend.

Amity parks outside the house, she can already smell the alcohol and sweat.

"You know where I'll be," Amity removes her seat belt. "Don't go home with anyone else."

"Yes, mother," Boscha chuckles, removing her own seatbelt and getting out the car.

Amity takes her keys out of the ignition and opens her door, ready to do her lock-check-lock-check routine.

And as usual her car door doesn't open, it's locked. She shoves her car keys into her pocket, as well as her hands, and makes her way inside the twins house.

A house-party is just a bunch of sweaty drunk teenagers doing drunken activities, and it doesn't help that Amity is always late to parties since Boscha takes her sweet time getting ready. She's always walking right into the peek of these things, but she knows her way to the couch.

The sight of the black couch is truly beautiful, no one is sat on it and there's always a charger in the outlet on the left side. She plops down onto the soft couch, getting into a comfy position to scroll through her phone the entire time.

Years of listening to arguments has its perks, Amity can tune out loud noises easily. She's come to love that skill throughout the years of taking Boscha to parties and not trusting anyone with the drunken Boscha.

But, she sees a flash of red, that stupid red beanie. She's with Willow, they're dancing and laughing. Amity watches as Luz spots some dude badly dancing and recreates with an over exaggerated lip-bite on her face, until she bursts out laughing with Willow.

Luz is pretty. That's all Amity can think. She's watching Luz like a stalker, her phone left ignored in her hand.

Willow sees her, they make eye contact for a split second. Amity rushes to look down at her phone, hurriedly opening instagram to make it look like she wasn't just staring at Luz for five minutes.

She spares a glance, Luz is staring at Amity this time, her eyes squinting and eyebrows furrowed. Willow definitely said something. Her eyes travel back down to her phone, Boscha, Skara, Skara, some influencer, Azura edit.

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