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Amity was done with studying. Her neck ached and she had a cluster of cans and bottles next to her. She was getting nowhere with Spanish, curse her parents for making her switch from French, which was going just fine. She just wanted a waffle, maybe even some more. She hadn't eaten or slept for the twelve hours she had spent hunched over different books, and her body was letting it be known.

With a yawn, she got up out of the wooden chair. Her joints stiff from disuse, and her back aching since the furniture Hexside put in dorms was not the best.

She didn't dare open her curtains, she would rather die than blind herself with the sunlight. The most sun she had gotten while studying was when Boscha opened her door and the sunlight from the hallway peeked in through the open door, but that was hours ago. Boscha was probably getting high now, or doing some other rebellious teen angst act.

Her hands shifted through her wardrobe, looking for comfy but acceptable clothes to go outside in. She decided on sweatpants and a hoodie, which wasn't too different from what she was already wearing but she wouldn't be caught dead in anything her siblings bought her. Even if they were comfy, and the outfit she was wearing had my little pony characters on it and she wasn't too okay with Boscha seeing them earlier, but Boscha didn't seem to mind.

Amity would rather just change into something less comfy but more plain, switching out the my little pony characters for a small crescent moon placed on the middle of a black hoodie, paired with black sweatpants. She slipped on black high-top converse, taking a quick glance in the mirror she looked like she was going through her emo phase a second time.

Her eyebags were dark, and her eyes reaching to be bloodshot. Her body was fighting for her to go to sleep, but she was getting her waffle. So, she collected every ounce of energy left in her body and walked out of her dorm, leaving her in the thin hallway.

She makes sure to lock her door, trying the handle a few times before leaving the locked door. And she shoves her key into her pocket.

She walks past all the other dorms, and heads downstairs, the sunlight wasn't too bad to her eyes as it was beginning to set.

Just as Amity's about to leave, she sees a familiar pink bun.

"Amity!" Boscha practically yells. "You're out of your room!" Boscha is enthusiastic, for no reason. She even hugs Amity so tight she can't breathe.

"Where are you going?" Boscha asks as she releases Amity.

"Diner." Amity doesn't mean to be cold, but she's just so tired. And she still wants her waffle.

"Oh, the owl house? Can you get me a coffee on the way back? You know my order!" Boscha walks away, leaving Amity alone.

A notification comes from Amity's phone, Boscha transferred some money for her coffee. Which was new, but so was Boscha being so friendly and perky. She definitely got high. Amity didn't really care, she just really wanted to get some food in her.

Amity heads out now, walking out of the girls dorms and into the parking lot. She scans for her car, spotting it in the far back. More walking, her favourite.

It's quiet. Bonesburough is a small town, people only come into the town for Hexside. A prestigious boarding school that is being funded by the Blights, but only because they want power. It's all Amity's parents ever want. Power and control. They just get a shit ton of money along with all of it. They make home security systems and electronics, and now they're working on robots who help around the house. Amity's played Detroit: become human, she would much rather that stay fiction than her own parents causing that mess.

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